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Interest check on several EGM's, GamePros, misc. magazines

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Man, I wish I would've known about Retromags earlier. Or perhaps it didn't exist at the time. From 1995 up until 2004ish, I was an avid magazine reader and collector. For me, my fascination all began with a copy of the December '94 issue of "Game Players" (with the Sega 32X cover story, not up on RT yet!) that some kid gave to me many moons ago. Not long after that, my mom bought me my first-ever video game magazine, EGM #73 (August 1995, Mortal Kombat 3 home ports cover story,here on RT!). Since then, I'd been collecting video game magazines, though many were lost along the way (for example, I used to have most of the 1996 editions of EGM & GamePro from free subscriptions, which I simply gave away for free in grade school. Thank god those weren't paid subscriptions!). But from Fall 1998 - mid-to-late 2004, I had virtually every EGM & GamePro, first from buying them off the newstands, and later from long-term subscriptions. I had a couple of issues of other mags, such as Tips & Tricks, GameFan and whatnot, but EGM & GamePro were my bread-and-butter.

In January 2006, finding myself at a crossroads in life, struggling in college and needing space in my closet, I threw away most of my collection of 1998-2004 magazines, ripping the covers off of many to remove my mailing address. The internet had long since become my source for gaming information. Print gaming journalism lost a valuable customer that month. I only kept what I considered to be the important, landmark issues of several publications, which comprise the following list:

EGM Buyer's Guides (4):

- 2000 (good condition)

- 2001 (good condition)

- 2002 (great condition)

- 2003 (great condition)

Electronic Gaming Monthly (11):

- #82, May 1996 (8th Anniversary issue, good condition)

- #91, February 1997 (good condition)

- #120, July 1999 (10th Anniversary issue, Stone Cold Steve Austin edition cover, okay condition)

- #122, September 1999 (Dreamcast launch issue, good condition)

- #123, October 1999 (great condition)

- #136, November 2000 (PS2 launch issue, great condition)

- #146, September 2001 ("Limited Edition" Final Fantasy X cover by Yoshitaka Amano; two copies, one loose great condition, one sealed and new)

- #149, December 2001 (XBOX & Gamecube launch issue, great condition)

- #150, January 2002 (150th issue, great condition)

- #172, November 2003 (two copies, regular cover w/Yuna from FFX-2 (loose, great condition), "Limited Edition" Amano cover (sealed and new))

- #178, May 2004 (15th Anniversary issue, good condition)

GamePro (2):

- #133, October 1999 (Dreamcast launch issue, good condition)

- #150, March 2001 (150th issue, good condition)

GameFan (4):

- Volume 8, Issue 2, February 2000 (good condition)

- Volume 8, Issue 5, May 2000 (good condition)

- Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2000 (good condition)

- Volume 8, Issue 11, November 2000 (good condition)

Tips & Tricks (1):

- #50, April 1999 (50th issue, good condition)

Misc./recent/roughed-up magazines (10):

- EGM #73, August 1995 (bad condition)

- Game Players #74, August 1995 (okay condition)

- Video Games, October 1995 (good condition)

- EGM #90, January 1997 (HORRIBLE condition)

- EGM 1999 Video Game Buyer's Guide (HORRID condition)

- GamePro #128, May 1999 (10th Anniversary issue, front/back cover barely attached w/glue, rest of the magazine is in good condition)

- Tips & Tricks #150, August 2007 (last issue of regular T&T)

- EGM #224, January 2008

- EGM #236, January 2009

- GamePro #249, June 2009

Many of these aren't from the "Golden Age" of their respective mags, but they were the ones worth a damn from my entire collection. Just listing them as an interest check, nothing more. I'm aware that some of these are already uploaded on RT, and that some are too recent for that. Any comments would be appreciated!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Qcombus

I'd possibly be interested in the EGM issues before the dreamcast launch one. When you say bad and horrid condition does it mean there are pages missing or that the pages are really creased or dirty? Also, it depends on the price as I don't want to pay too much for them.

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