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Mortal Kombat Trilogy


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Mortal Kombat Trilogy



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  • 1 year later...

My parents got me a Playstation back in Christmas 1996. MK Trilogy was one of the 3 games my parents gave me, along with NBA Live 97 and Triple Play 97. I was very disappointed with MK Trilogy. The load times were awful, and the computer AI was brutally difficult. I only played it a few times. If I remember correctly, the game retailed for $60, which was $10 to $20 more than the usual retail price for new playstation games at the time. 15 years later, I still feel guilty for asking my parents to buy this lousy game.

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  • 4 years later...

Man i loved this game despite the load times. Me my cousins and like5 or 6 other friends would all hang out and take turns playing winner stays loser well passes the controller to someone else. I specifically remember a dual shock psone controller they had that was broken on the joysticks kuzz one of them broke it previously while playing this very game. Fun times

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  • 5 weeks later...

I bought this disc at a Circuit City ten years ago...over ten years after I had bought my original Playstation.  It was cheap; I had played it before and was well aware of the atrocious load times; what I was not aware of was that it had a tendency to freeze up when played on the PS2.  My original 1995 PSX had bit the dust in 2000, so the PS2 was my only option and I recall I may have got around the freezing problem by making sure the extra features (smoothing and faster accessing) were disabled, but in all honestly the greatest thing about this game was playing as Baraka and not having to deal with the slowdown and lost frames of animation that plagued the 1994 SNES version.

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  On 8/23/2016 at 11:05 AM, SephirothDVR said:

One of my favourite PS1 games. Still have it along with my Mega drive MK2 and MK3.




I can't seem to edit my post...sorry, just want to add, the link in my previous message is an image of another advert for MK Trilogy, I couldn't embed the image and could not seem to find out how to upload the image.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Absolute top 5 ps1 game for me, hands down. Loading and all.

That October 1996, I was turning 16 and my friends and I played hours of MKT and Toshinden 2 haha. I'm still amazed they went back, pulled out all the cam equipment and created a new Johnny Cage. MK4 was already well underway, so that was a real effort.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I played this game on Nintendo 64 in the late 90s, much better than Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimate Arcade version but not as much as Mortal Kombat 4 even though the bigger roster but MK4 was fully 3D both characters and Arenas and although was not so good back then it was really cool and great at that time but then again I enjoyed playing this as I enjoyed and still enjoy playing any Mortal Kombat game

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