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Man accused of killing kitten after it unplugged video game


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STAUNTON — Police arrested a Staunton man late Monday night after he reportedly killed a kitten that interrupted his video game, according to an arrest report.

Bruce Jamar Walston, 21, of 128 College Circle, Apt. 1, is charged with misdemeanor animal cruelty and disorderly conduct.

Staunton authorities were called to Walston's apartment at 9 p.m. after his girlfriend phoned 911. Police said Walston apparently became enraged when the woman's kitten disconnected his video game. Walston is accused of killing the kitten by hurling it against a wall.

"In front of her kids," said Officer Lisa Klein of the Staunton Police Department.

Walston, who had been free on bond in connection with a January breaking and entering charge, is being held without bond at Middle River Regional Jail in Verona.

Debbie Caywood, director of the Augusta Regional SPCA, said her organization doesn't come across physically abused animals on a regular basis, and said accounts of torturing animals "is very rare in this area as far as what we deal with."

Police arrested Walston earlier this year after he was suspected of assaulting two people at his apartment building and beating one of the victims with a vacuum sweeper. According to police, Walston and Sylvestor Gentry, 25, of Staunton, kicked in a door at Apt. 3, knocking down a 36-year-old man who was beaten with the sweeper. Klein said a 54-year-old woman also was knocked to the floor, where she was punched and kicked.

"She was struck several times," Klein said.

Walston and Gentry have a preliminary hearing scheduled for June 25 in Staunton General District Court on felony charges of breaking and entering with intent to commit assault.


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It disgusts me that Animal Cruelty is considered a misdemeanor in Virginia. Admitedly, the only difference between a Class 1 Misdemeanor (the lower the number, the more serious the charge; in VA, there are 4 classes of Misdemeanor and 6 classes of Felony) and a Class 6 Felony is that a person who commits a Class 6 Felony risks a 1-5 year prison sentence in addition to the maximum of 12 months served in jail and a fine of up to $2,500.

Still...you killed something that couldn't possibly hurt you over one of the most senseless reasons imaginable, and you did it in front of children? Maybe we should take life a little more seriously than $2,500. But that's just me...



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