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Golden Eye Remake for Wii and DSi

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No matter what, no one would ever accept this as a good idea. Whether it's equal to or surpasses the original, people will still complain. It's just a classic. I don't really feel a remake is necessary, but a re-release via the Wii store with some updates would be nice... Imagine playing the original game with online capabilities? No need for better graphics!

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Have you ever played the remake of the N64 Perfect Dark? It looked better and played great so I for one am very excited. I'm a huge Retro gamer and usually don't like it when people mess with a good thing. Like Golden Eye 2 for the Xbox such a bad idea. But simply making the N64 one more up to date... that I don't mind. I'm also a huge Bond fan that I always get excited when anything new/old is released in the 007 World.

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Also, they couldn't bring Golden Eye to Virtual Console because it kept giving some strange errors. Even the people who create injectible VC games for modded systems couldn't find a way to trick it into working. Not sure on the specifics, but that's probably another reason why they're responding with this remake.

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Does Nintendo or RARE own the Goldeneye code? Sounds like they may have used undocumented calls or cart chipset specific code if it won't work in Wii's VC. Saw that all the time back in the day .... coders making programs that broke as newer versions of the PC were introduced. Bummer though .... if there was a game that deserves the VC treatment this one is it.

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Graphics are kinda crappy, but I like that. Very last gen. XD

Part of the problem is the Youtube video is very poor. This looks awesome and it appears this will be the year I increase my video game time as opposed to playing less and less every year. I'm super excited about all the retro games being redone on the Wii. Glad I bought a Wii and not a PS3 or Xbox 360 this year.

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Well they're not that bad. The graphics seem like the very best a GameCube could offer, but certainly aren't on par with a PlayStation or Xbox360... But that's not really a problem for me. Nintendo makes good games regardless of the quality of their graphics, which is something people should focus on more often. I just happen to think that in this instance graphics that aren't current-gen standard are fitting.

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That' sorta the story of Nintendo. Ever since the SNES they have had hardware that really isn't the greatest but their game guru's are legends at making games that force you to buy their systems even if only for those one or two games.

N64 - Mario 64 ... Pilotwings 64 ... Legend of Zelda ... Mario Kart 64

Gamecube ... Mario Sunshine ...

Wii ... Mario ... Mario Kart ... Wii Fit [for the wifey ... hehe]

I cannot think of a single game on the PS2 that makes me think my purchase was a great one. X-box ...nope ... don't own one for the same reason. The Dreamcast is the only console outside of Nintendo's that I regret not having in my collection.

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  • 3 weeks later...
The Dreamcast is the only console outside of Nintendo's that I regret not having in my collection.

Genesis?!?! The Sonic games alone were worth buying it, not to mention their ports weren't always bad (e.g. I preferred the Genesis Jurassic Park to the SNES one).

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