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Sega Genesis Music


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After I found that MC Hammer vs Sonic video I got really into looking around at other music on the Genesis. There are some systems that really get you excited when you hear music from the systems and that for me is the Genesis. The funny thing is I don't like the music for games on the Genesis such as Street Fighter II or Mortal Kombat. But original compositions like Streets of Rage or Sonic just sound so amazing. I think by far Yuzo Koshiro is my favorite Genesis composer. He is almost my top favorite for all video game music but only one I think can top him Nobuo Uematsu of course.

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The Genesis had such awful sound capabilities, but I think that really added to its charm.

That's what I mean though. If it was an arcade game like Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat or Fatal Fury then listening to the music on those games are just horrid. But... for games like Streets of Rage, Toejam and Earl, Phantasy Star that were all programed specifically for the Genesis from the ground up the music is great! This would also go for the C64 I love the sound from that machine as well.


I would have loved to been at this club that night.

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I think Genesis did not have a 16 bit sound chip, so anything written for one had to be down-sampled and replaced with the tinny Genesis instrument bank. This is another reason I'll always like SNES better, for it's SPC sound chip designed by Sony, who happen to know a thing or two about audio quality.

Cool vid, by the way.

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Michael Jackson's Moonwalker on Sega Genesis, baby! Sounded great on the system. Although, the SNES had way better sound muscle. I remember the first time I played Actraiser...sounded like an orchestra in there. Then, Final Fantasy II & III (FF 4 & 6) made the world go round. hehe.

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The Genesis had such awful sound capabilities, but I think that really added to its charm.

I think the Genesis sound hardware required special people who could really understand what they were working with, to really get great music out of it. People like Tommy Tallarico, and Michiru Yamane come to mind.

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I never really loved the Genesis' sound capabilities, but Michael Jackson's Moonwalker and of course the Sonic the Hedgehog games have incredible music, especially "Smooth Criminal" and "Beat It" in Moonwalker. I do like how thick the bass synths sounded. Streets of Rage 2 also has excellent music.

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