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Lots of retro gaming goodness at my eBay store


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Right now, there's an auction going on! Atari 2600 & 7800, SNES, GBA & Colecovision games, some mags and more! Thank you for looking. ^_^

Also, the store has boatloads of video games and video game related stuffs, especially magazines. ^_^

One thing I would like to emphasize is that:


I don't bite. Much. ~_^

Also, if you don't like dealing with eBay, I am more than happy to sell outside of eBay. If you see something you like, talk to me. ^_^

I have a few magazines up in my eBay store for sale, mostly EGM, and at least one Gamers Republic. I also have a lot of strategy guides available too. No price is set in stone, all items have a Best Offer link, which means prices are negotiable so if you see something you like, just make me an offer! I have all kinds of items for sale, not just video game related, but I have several mags up.

So go on and check out my store if you like: http://stores.ebay.com/disaster-area-toys-games-and-more/

Over 300 items. Games, Endless Quest books and similar CYOA style books, Video Games for all different kinds of systems, (NES, Genesis, 32X, etc.), strategy guides, unusual items you won't find easily, and at least one item you won't find elsewhere! There's plenty to see (and more than just MLP stuff, darn it!) ^_^

Just use the store navigation bar on the left of the page when you are there. ^_^

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Guest s1500

Again with that? For gosh sakes, there is more to life (and my storefront) than MLP! But, if you love MLPs that much s1500, then you can go on ahead and bid on them. They are up for auction right now. ^_^

I'm just joshin' ya. If you can make a good profit flippin' MLPs, more power to you.

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Right now, there's an auction going on! Atari 2600 & 7800, SNES, GBA & Colecovision games, some mags and more! Thank you for looking. ^_^

Also, the store has boatloads of video games and video game related stuffs, especially magazines. ^_^

One thing I would like to emphasize is that:


I don't bite. Much. ~_^

Also, if you don't like dealing with eBay, I am more than happy to sell outside of eBay. If you see something you like, talk to me. ^_^

I have a few magazines up in my eBay store for sale, mostly EGM, and at least one Gamers Republic. I also have a lot of strategy guides available too. No price is set in stone, all items have a Best Offer link, which means prices are negotiable so if you see something you like, just make me an offer! I have all kinds of items for sale, not just video game related, but I have several mags up.

So go on and check out my store if you like: http://stores.ebay.com/disaster-area-toys-games-and-more/

Over 300 items. Games, Endless Quest books and similar CYOA style books, Video Games for all different kinds of systems, (NES, Genesis, 32X, etc.), strategy guides, unusual items you won't find easily, and at least one item you won't find elsewhere! There's plenty to see (and more than just MLP stuff, darn it!) ^_^

Just use the store navigation bar on the left of the page when you are there. ^_^

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