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Rare Taiwanese magazine, Submitting stuff + wondering about certain magazines


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Just registered today. It's great to find a site preserving all of this stuff, brings back lots of memories. I hope it doesn't end up dying anytime soon, which I was scared was happening when I saw the front page!

Anyways first I wanted to share something, but I'm not sure how to submit it. I'll just link to it here. It's not my scan though. This is a magazine from Taiwan that previewed Taiwan's first and to this day only console, the Super A'can. You can look it up on Wiki, but the basics of it for anyone unfamiliar is it was pretty much a console with the same technical prowess as the SNES, if not a little stronger. It died much as the 32X did over here, with only 12 games being released in the end(at least, that's as many have been found so far). This magazine shows off games that weren't released, along with other stuff that showed how over ambitious the company was, including an unreleased add-on that looks exactly like a 32x heh. Here's the link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FJ94QNB2 Since this is already all zipped up I assume all someone needs to do is rename it .cbr and link to it on the site? The site I got this from has a few other Chinese magazines that were scanned, and if they were all saved on this site that'd be cool, so if anyone can tell me how what the submission process is that'd be great.

Lastly I was curious if anyone has heard of any of these magazines or has any issues and plans to scan them in the future.

Video Games

N64 Magazine(UK)

Dengeki 64(JP)


...or any other magazines from Japan during the ninties. One thing I love scanning through old magazines for is shots of unreleased games or early development shots, and I know JP magazines would probably have lots no one's ever seen yet over here :)

Looking forward to more scans to come. Great site!

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  • Retromags Curator

Since it is not your scan, we will not host it here. We make it a rule that members not submit magazines they didn't scan themselves. The reason fo this is we do not want someone coming along and saying it is their scan and causing a rucus.

Guides and such are pretty sparse on the site at the moment. I will have some new ones up shortly.

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Guest Sophocles

Since it is not your scan, we will not host it here. We make it a rule that members not submit magazines they didn't scan themselves. The reason fo this is we do not want someone coming along and saying it is their scan and causing a rucus.

Guides and such are pretty sparse on the site at the moment. I will have some new ones up shortly.

Many rules keep getting added to the list it seems - by the minute, even.

Don't be surprised if this fifth anniversary indeed remains this site's last if you keep it up like this.

What's the incentive to donate again? Do remind me.

Edited by Sophocles
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  • Retromags Curator

That has been a rule for a very long time.

Last paragraph under Selection:


And you would know for a fact that new rules keep getting added by the minutes, considering you just signed up yesterday?

The incentive for donating and contributing is that you want to scan and share your magazines, or help someone else scan and share their work with like-minded people. That's it. If that's not enough for you, so be it. Quality over quantity.

To make note of something puddinpops asked: if you are referring to Video Games The Ultimate Gaming Magazine (the successor to Video Games & Computer Entertainment), I have a stack of them that I will be scanning in the future.

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Guest Sophocles

That has been a rule for a very long time.

Last paragraph under Selection:


And you would know for a fact that new rules keep getting added by the minutes, considering you just signed up yesterday?

The incentive for donating and contributing is that you want to scan and share your magazines, or help someone else scan and share their work with like-minded people. That's it. If that's not enough for you, so be it. Quality over quantity.

To make note of something puddinpops asked: if you are referring to Video Games The Ultimate Gaming Magazine (the successor to Video Games & Computer Entertainment), I have a stack of them that I will be scanning in the future.

Any stipulations on which magazines are likely to be published on your site, which ones are likely not to be published, and which ones are going to be hoarded by certain forum moderators? I think it's best to make a general disclaimer so people are not likely to feel ripped off in the process.

BTW - don't try to deny the latter claim (the 'hoarding' part) - since I have evidence for that.

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Guest Sophocles

Jesus Christ. <_<

For people who claim on a radio podcast 'we have left that magazine preservation site, and we haven't looked back since - really', you sure come back alot.

Wonder what's up with that? All these little drama queen acts - and the constant buddying-up and sucking up to each other at certain points.

Got a nice dialectic going here.

BTW - I found a whole lot of magazine scans on an emulation site that have Retromags NFOs accompanied with them (LMAO - you're so ardently against 'warez', at one point you accompanied your torrent releases with NFOs - double LMAO). Most of them are magazines that are no longer on here - wonder if it's due to 'bad scanning quality' or just because you don't want them on here. Hmmmm.... another one of these childish back-and-forths perhaps between forum admins on this site.... all these little hissy fits which decide a magazine publication's life or death, and meanwhile people are expected to donate to this operation.... hmmmm.....

Wonder if the collective paranoia will now set in whereupon I will be accused of being some guy I am not.

Edited by Sophocles
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Guest Sophocles

Why don't you do the whole world a favor and get run over by a train. :lol:

Do your precious publishers approve of that statement? Where exactly do you get off calling other people 'skinheads' given this viciousness and incivility towards your fellow Man?

Why don't you do the whole world a favor and grow up for once? A lot more magazines would be up on this site that way.

Edited by Sophocles
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  • Retromags Curator

Another nirv lackey. Great.

Any magazine you scanned yourself that is from December 1999 or earlier, and is not Gamefan, are fine. Make some effort and you can find most of that kind of information yourself.

Lots of magazines were removed because of the quality. If you have a problem with someone "hoarding" scans by not having them up here, then talk to Phillyman yourself; he has lots of stuff not on here. But keep in mind that no one on this site is obligated to share anything they have with this site or with anyone else. If you have any evidence, as you say, then supply it.

A little side note for you: we don't have control over who downloads our stuff and hosts it or submits it on other sites, warez sites included. Torrents were released before I came to the site as well. So whatever happened there had nothing to do with me. And again, we have no control over who downloaded magazines and made a torrent out of them, though at the time it was done willingly by members here.

And finally, lose the attitude, or lose your account. I've had it with the influx lately of lackeys all complaining about the same things and making the same claims. If you don't like it here, leave.

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Wow, wasn't exactly expecting to be making a thread that started this.... That is a shame about not taking scans from elsewhere, it would be nice if there was one concentrated source for all magazine scans out there rather than only what's scanned from a specific community, since that way it'd be easier to locate things rather than have it all dispersed. But I understand the site's reasoning. Doesn't stop me from making my own amassed collection anyways :P

The Video Games magazine I'm not sure what it was a successor of, all I know is I have one issue with Mario on the front and it had a big section for Mario RPG with tons of shots of the game that looks completely different from the game that was released. Very intriguing that they seem to be the only magazine that got those shots, never saw them in previews from any other magazines.

I look forward to if Famitsu gets attention too. Any idea on the time span of issues that are available that are planned?

Hope whatever happened here doesn't blow up into anything too big...heh. Thanks for the responses(the good ones)! :)

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Guest Sophocles

Another nirv lackey. Great.

Any magazine you scanned yourself that is from December 1999 or earlier, and is not Gamefan, are fine. Make some effort and you can find most of that kind of information yourself.

Lots of magazines were removed because of the quality. If you have a problem with someone "hoarding" scans by not having them up here, then talk to Phillyman yourself; he has lots of stuff not on here. But keep in mind that no one on this site is obligated to share anything they have with this site or with anyone else. If you have any evidence, as you say, then supply it.

A little side note for you: we don't have control over who downloads our stuff and hosts it or submits it on other sites, warez sites included. Torrents were released before I came to the site as well. So whatever happened there had nothing to do with me. And again, we have no control over who downloaded magazines and made a torrent out of them, though at the time it was done willingly by members here.

And finally, lose the attitude, or lose your account. I've had it with the influx lately of lackeys all complaining about the same things and making the same claims. If you don't like it here, leave.

Aye aye, Mr. Dictator, I will lick your boots properly next time.

Yeah I have proof alright, but I don't want to ruffle any more feathers. Let's leave it at this - I don't know what good an IP ban is going to do you in this case, though - just saying.

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  • Retromags Curator

Wow, wasn't exactly expecting to be making a thread that started this.... That is a shame about not taking scans from elsewhere, it would be nice if there was one concentrated source for all magazine scans out there rather than only what's scanned from a specific community, since that way it'd be easier to locate things rather than have it all dispersed. But I understand the site's reasoning. Doesn't stop me from making my own amassed collection anyways :P

The Video Games magazine I'm not sure what it was a successor of, all I know is I have one issue with Mario on the front and it had a big section for Mario RPG with tons of shots of the game that looks completely different from the game that was released. Very intriguing that they seem to be the only magazine that got those shots, never saw them in previews from any other magazines.

I look forward to if Famitsu gets attention too. Any idea on the time span of issues that are available that are planned?

Hope whatever happened here doesn't blow up into anything too big...heh. Thanks for the responses(the good ones)! :)

One part of it is it being a quality control issue. The other part is the amount of work involved in scanning a magazine, and uploading it without giving credit to the person who scanned it. I suppose if you know who scanned it, and can get their permission and credit them for it, they can be submitted here. But generally we ask people to only submit what they scanned, or what someone else on the site scanned but they edited. That way we know where everything is from, so incase someone comes along and starts causing trouble by claiming we have their scans, it's easier to deal with.

I have no idea who was/is working on Famitsu. I haven't seen any uploaded in ages, but I may have missed something.

Don't worry about people like Sophocles. There have been a few members like that who have popped up on the site t odo nothing but criticize and complain, and to say we are killing the game magazine preservation community, when we really are the community (along with Out of Print Archive). They make assumptions, don't listen, and just act like immature children. This site exists to simply scan and share magazines, yet for some reason some people still manage to become drama queens over something so frivilous. I guess that's the world wide web for you.

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The A'Can magazine is really interesting; thanks for the scan! I love that propaganda comic that the mag starts out with. It's even more misleading than Johnny Turbo! (The A'Can mag routinely gets the specs of the MD and SFC wrong, and then boldly announces that at least 10 (!) games are coming out for the A'Can (by that time the SFC had 500+.) The hubris goes on and on...

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  • Retromags Curator

Aye aye, Mr. Dictator, I will lick your boots properly next time.

Yeah I have proof alright, but I don't want to ruffle any more feathers. Let's leave it at this - I don't know what good an IP ban is going to do you in this case, though - just saying.

It has nothing to do with licking boots. It's just that this childish behaviour from you guys is getting tiresome. At least have the balls to say you want to ruin this site and the project if that is what you guys are up to. You won't succeed, but at least you'd be honest. Because that is what would happen if we did things the way you guys want. But why waste your time here? Why not simply start your own site if we are doing things wrong? That's the easiest solution.

If you have proof, go ahead and reveal it. You started ruffling, you might as well continue. But like I said, no one is obligated to share anything.

Are you another nut case who stalks people online, attacks them every chance they get, and sends text and voice messages because of some silly game magazines? Or do you have more common sense than that?

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  • Retromags Curator

The Video Games magazine I'm not sure what it was a successor of, all I know is I have one issue with Mario on the front and it had a big section for Mario RPG with tons of shots of the game that looks completely different from the game that was released. Very intriguing that they seem to be the only magazine that got those shots, never saw them in previews from any other magazines.

Actually, was it this issue?


If it is, I have that one.

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Guest Sophocles

It has nothing to do with licking boots. It's just that this childish behaviour from you guys is getting tiresome. At least have the balls to say you want to ruin this site and the project if that is what you guys are up to. You won't succeed, but at least you'd be honest. Because that is what would happen if we did things the way you guys want. But why waste your time here? Why not simply start your own site if we are doing things wrong? That's the easiest solution.

If you have proof, go ahead and reveal it. You started ruffling, you might as well continue. But like I said, no one is obligated to share anything.

Are you another nut case who stalks people online, attacks them every chance they get, and sends text and voice messages because of some silly game magazines? Or do you have more common sense than that?

I am sure your affiliated 'publishers' will be glad to take notice of the fact that you speak so highly of their work, LMAO.

Which reminds me - nirv was not allowed to say 'most of these publishers/magazine editors are shills', but you're allowed to say 'silly game magazines'. If they're silly, why even be a Moderator here? But ah, we know why you're here - doing anything other than actually scanning jack shit in.

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Yeah, that's the issue. I actually searched a bit and found scans of the pages I mentioned for Mario RPG. But seeing scans of more issues would be nice. Nostalgic to find that cover again though, I still have the issue but the cover got torn off and has been missing for years now. Mario doesn't look quite how I remember hehe.

ccovell I recognize you from Assembler! I posted the magazine there first a few days back now. Didn't know you do Chinese. Yeah, that beginning comic is a joke. the A'can is one arrogant prick. Funny how the kid appears unconvinced until he learns there's gonna be *gasp* ten titles released at launch. Now you see how Nintendo wins with their quality over quantity rule B) I've been slowly translating the whole magazine randomly just for my own personal practice, not sure where that's gonna go since I'm losing interest, written Chinese is such a pain compared to conversational text. Literally takes hours to do one page sometimes..

Some other magazines I learned of that would be cool to see someday are Megadrive Fan, Gamest, and Sega Saturn magazine. BTW ccovell, you're the one that found that I think Famitsu that had early shots of Super Mario World, correct? I remember the finding of those shots just showed me how much has been hidden in Japanese magazines all these years that no one over here ever knew about. Exciting to think what else could be in them.

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Just wanted to say thank you to Chris for the Famitsu magazine, it's downloading right now. :notworthy:

The Taiwanese magazine was very interesting as well puddinpops. :)

Really love to see stuff just like this.

In a day and age where it's relatively easy to find just about anything about western releases online, these kinds of magazines are a bit of a treasure trove of information.

For a moment I thought you were talking about the UK Sega Saturn magazine.

It's really a shame that Japanese gaming magazines are so hard to come by over here.

I was able to grab a little bundle of Sega Magazine issues a couple of years ago, but haven't found the time to scan them and didn't know if people were at all interested in them either.

It's only 10 magazines and range from 1996-1998.

I also have a bunch of Neo Geo Freak magazines, which I had started scanning, but got sidetracked by others like OSSM,MAXIMUM, etc.

One day, I promise, one day. :)

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Famitsu? Where? :P

I'd love to see those Sega Magazine's. I found more Chinese magazines and got a couple of new prototype shots of Mario World and Sonic 1, so obviously these foreign magazines have a lot of rare shots that go unnoticed by lots of people. Who knows what those ones you have might contain!

I'm probably getting my hopes too high though :P

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Puddinpops, I can't speak or read Chinese, but I can decipher what I can through my knowledge of Japanese.

Yes, I have a good number of Japanese magazines, and have found plenty of interesting stuff, but scanning even a small portion of it would take up all my free time and more. So I'll keep updating my page with a trickle of the more exciting stuff (like old SFC pics, etc.)

Anyway, one Taiwanese curiosity I can mention on my page is here: http://www.disgruntleddesigner.com/chrisc/secret/OTH_1991Q4.html

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  • Retromags Curator

I am sure your affiliated 'publishers' will be glad to take notice of the fact that you speak so highly of their work, LMAO.

Which reminds me - nirv was not allowed to say 'most of these publishers/magazine editors are shills', but you're allowed to say 'silly game magazines'. If they're silly, why even be a Moderator here? But ah, we know why you're here - doing anything other than actually scanning jack shit in.

The difference is I am not harassing someone over magazines. When you start attacking someone on the web every chance you get with stupid claims and calling the family of a member and addressing them with the idiotic nonsense then it becomes a whole different case altogether. Game magazines are indeed a silly reason for doing that kind of stuff. If you cannot make the distintion between that and calling all the publishers and editors shills, simply because you don't agree with their point of view, then that is your problem. But as one of nirv's lackeys, I don't expect you to understand.

And I have scanned plenty of stuff for the site, and have even more to still scan. How much have you contributed to the site? Nothing? Then shut the hell up. I have more completed scans waiting to be uploaded than you will ever contribute yourself. I don't care if you want to take and not contribute, but keep your mouth shut about how much other people scan when you aren't doing anything constructive.

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