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Famicom Tsushin scanned


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Should Famitsu get it's own section under international publications now? As it is you can only find it there because it's on the side as the last addition to the international section. I can't figure out any other way to find the link to it, so if something else gets uploaded then the link can't be found.

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Wow, page 20, second review.

I never knew there was a Game Boy version of Amidar released for! :blink:

Will have to keep an eye on ebay for this one.

I'm getting as far as Soredeke Amidar, but I don't know what that final Kanji stands for. Any help would be much appreciated.

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I apologize, I see what you mean now.  Yeah, there is no download button on that next page.  It just goes to a page about the disclaimer about altering the Thank You page and such.  Any moderators around that can look into that?  Maybe it is not approved or something yet?

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I've been hearing about Famitsu for 20 years, but I've never actually even seen an issue of the magazine. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw it show up on this site. I just wish I could figure out how to download it. :(

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Thanks to meppi's link, I have fixed the page. I don't know what happened. I am sure it has something to do with the outage yesterday and Phillyman making a backup, which is what is running now. Though I guess it's not a backup anymore.

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Thanks so much, guys! I like many of you am really excited about this upload. Glad it's fixed up. There's still so many others missing their links though, I hope all that can be cleared up too without too much trouble.

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Thanks so much, guys! I like many of you am really excited about this upload. Glad it's fixed up. There's still so many others missing their links though, I hope all that can be cleared up too without too much trouble.

Which links are missing?

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's not Deluxe Paint, but an in-house CHR-ROM editor running on their Fujitsu computers.

Few Amigas were sold in Japan and even fewer Japanese companies would likely use Deluxe Paint as their graphic editor.

A similar custom CHR editor:


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