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Suggestion: When releasing a magazine there should be an option to add the list of games and plataforms included on certain issue. I'm thinking about something like the way we currently add links to download magazines. This tags would be helpful to find specific magazines of one's interest.

This might create a quick and easy fix for the searchable database idea we had. If only we could get it to work; I don't know if it's possible through this forum software or whatnot. Can you tell I don't know what I'm talking about? :P

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  • Retromags Curator

I've added a new field called Keywords that will show up under "Compiled/Released by". This is where you can enter consoles and games from the issue being submitted if you choose to. I am not sure it will e effective with searches, but it's probably as close to metatags as you'll get. Separate titles with commas and it should hopefully wok like the meta keywords HTML tag.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'd like to see all members be able to start new topics in the advertisement section. I know we used to have to upload the images to the wiki page and then hotlink them to the advertisement section in the forums but then we did a 180 and moved them to the advertisement section in the gallery.

It would be nice if while I or another member was reading a mag and notice an advertisement we could slap it up in the gallery and start a new post in the forum.

Right now the only person adding to the advertisement section that I noticed is Areala. She only likes what she likes and the rest remains baron like the obscure stuff that fruit machine scans.

It would be a good way for a new name to increase their post count while not creating any extra work for the scanners. The advertisement section will never fill out if only moderators can do it.

The advertisement section would have been inspiring when I was in Graphic Design school.

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  • 5 months later...

I left a several months ago after getting irritated that many things were not in PDF form (only CBZ). Although I could run CBZ and could convert to PDF, I preferred PDF, and wished all downloads could hold the same standards. I came here after my email started to send me messages about Retromags.

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The only reason any PDF's are here at all is because I prefer the format and am hosting all the PDF content on my own Megaupload account.

I now have my own website so I don't think anything much in the way of PDF content will be hosted here now but with people on usage plans etc I can understand E-Day sticking with cbr as it doubles usage having to post both types of content.

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  • Retromags Curator

I left a several months ago after getting irritated that many things were not in PDF form (only CBZ). Although I could run CBZ and could convert to PDF, I preferred PDF, and wished all downloads could hold the same standards. I came here after my email started to send me messages about Retromags.

There is a standard of sorts; it's CBZ/CBR. KiwiArcader is the only one who would submit PDF files. There is the other odd file here and there that are PDF, but everything is supposed to be available in CBR/CBZ form. For those who like one format over the other, there are programs that will quickly convert from one to another.

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I have one sugestion. Is it possible to change International magazines category?

For example can you add categories like Europe and than subcategories like Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Russia, Croatia, and other countries? And than in subcategory of each country there will be name of magazines. I think it will be good idea. I know that this site is US and UK centric but there was a lot of magazines good around the world. For example in Croatia there was Hacker (1994 - 2005), Master (1995), PC Play (1998 - 2010), PSX (1999 - 2002), PSX (1999 -2002)... Can you add that? Your site is only site with lot of magazines and on internet i find some regional old magazines projects.

For now i think that isnt good that magazines from rest of world dont have categories. They are on international and misc :(

Can you change this please?

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  • Retromags Curator

I don't think it's good to have 20 sub categories that only have one magazine in each of them. Croatia may have had all those magazines, but they aren't available on the site for downloading, so there is no point in making a category for them. Misc is for magazines that have less than five issues for downloading. Once there are five, they get their own sub category. I guess the same rule can be in place for other countries too. Once there are five magazine categories from one country (so five magazines in five categories; 25 magazines), that country can get it's own sub-category.

Right now there is no point in making a Europe catecory with countries as sub-categories since they will almost all be empty.

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I don't think it's good to have 20 sub categories that only have one magazine in each of them. Croatia may have had all those magazines, but they aren't available on the site for downloading, so there is no point in making a category for them. Misc is for magazines that have less than five issues for downloading. Once there are five, they get their own sub category. I guess the same rule can be in place for other countries too. Once there are five magazine categories from one country (so five magazines in five categories; 25 magazines), that country can get it's own sub-category.

Right now there is no point in making a Europe catecory with countries as sub-categories since they will almost all be empty.

Thanks on reply :)

I will uploading scans on retromags :)

In near future I will begin making my scans of Croatian videogame magazins :)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 8 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Couple of things in my mind. I tried to download several magazines, but with all of them I got that federal gov warning image, so I couldn't get any magazine. So it's very disappointing to get error message "You have exceeded the maximum amount of downloads allotted to you by the administrator for the day".

Another one is that I tried to give positive feedback to one post, and I got this: "Action failed: You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day." But that was my FIRST attempt to vote ever! Seems little too restricted.

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Hmm. I was able to download few magazines per day, after just one post I made. What I was complaining, is that my downloads counts up even when I was unable to download anything because of megaupload. Ok, I understand that there's maybe no way for retromags to know was my download successful or not..

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