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My big list of suggestions

Guest s1500

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Guest s1500


  • Our time on this Earth is limited. If there's a choice between working on something involved in magazine preservation and working on something that does not involve magazine preservation, do the former. There's no point in putting any effort into twitter/facebook integration or pruning inactive users when there could be/are broken magazine links, and so forth.

  • Do not put all administrative eggs into one basket. If it's a software problem, that's cool. If you have people that can help here & there that are willing, let 'em help.


  • There are too many user ranking levels. I sometimes go onto SQAforums.com and there must be 20 different user levels that make no sense to anybody.Expanded Memory? Extended Memory? Heh

  • Remove all traces of monetary donation pages, for that has been discontinued. I saw a few(like on your own profile drop-down) that are gone, there might still be some pages abound.

  • There's too many reminders of how to get banned from every different little feature on this site. It gives users a feeling that they are being treated like children. If there was some feature to send gifts to other users, with a reminder that abuse of the feature would get you suspended form X days, that kills any desire to use it right there.

  • Extension to above, we don't need to be shown all the rules each & every time for every aspect for this site. It scares users away. This is a hobby website, not a high-security prison. This might explain why the forums are so inactive.

  • If there are any news postings that no longer apply to the site, it's safe to delete them. It would eliminate confusion. There were many changes to the site over the years, and many announcements in regards to it no longer apply.

  • If there's a board bell/whistle that is broken or is breaking functionality elsewhere, let it go. It's cool.

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  • Retromags Curator

I haven't done anything with the Twitter and Facebook things. I have the accounts to them, but haven't done anything with them, no plan on it. I don't do Twitter. And not all administrative eggs into one basket.

I agree with the user ranking. I don't yet know how to reduce them while moving users to new groups.

I do not see any donation items on any of the pages. If you see any, please let me know where. Same with the banning stuff and rules.

I intend on sorting though some of the old post s in various threads. But there is a lot of other stuff to do too.

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Guest s1500

I was citing the Twitter & facebook things as an example, in the greater group of "bells & whistles" that IMO detract from the site's vision & goals.

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  • Retromags Curator

actually, twitter accounts for 50% of our new users traffic. Neither E-day or myself actually tweet....instead there is an automatic way to tweet when a new magazine or topic is posted. So for 0 man hours of work, we are getting about 500-600 new members seeing this site a day.

Don't believe me, start 3 new topics on Retromags. Within an hour you will see 50-80 people viewing those topics. Same with the Download section, release out a few new magazines at once, within the hour 50 people will be looking at them.

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 I have been meaning to mention the twitter thing, I have been busy these last few weeks with idiots following me around.  Anyhow, is there a way to put a mandatory wait period between tweets?  I have noticed some days when there are a ton of releases, that it can get quite annoying and usually, the only people reading the tweets after the first couple will be bots (there are a ton of bots on Twitter).

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  • Retromags Curator

 I have been meaning to mention the twitter thing, I have been busy these last few weeks with idiots following me around.  Anyhow, is there a way to put a mandatory wait period between tweets?  I have noticed some days when there are a ton of releases, that it can get quite annoying and usually, the only people reading the tweets after the first couple will be bots (there are a ton of bots on Twitter).

E-day can control it, He can choose how often and the quantity :)

J2Games does the same thing, it really helps bring people into the site....and helps Google index your pages faster :)

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Guest s1500

If the tweets are too much, they can switch to the RSS feeds and put it on their iGoogle. I think that's available. I know it is for new posts.

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  • Retromags Curator

I mean if tons of "tweets" a day some days annoys people, I wouldn't know how to educe the number or how to time then. I know the other day there were about 10 new magazines on the site. That would get annoying :)

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The RSS feeds for Retromags, are up under the Search Box....click on each one to find its URL

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 I know Racketboy has mentioned dropping RM from his twitter account due to the enormous flooding of tweets.  I am sure there are others.  Besides, if you set it to tweet once every half hour or so, it will be more meaningful to the actual people reading the tweets, and hopefully, those people will come over and join in the conversation.  Most will not even see an interesting conversation tweet if it is mixed in with 10+ new file submissions.  Just a thought.

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If you don't use it, why do you care :jester:

The main Retromags Twitter account, only tweets the following...

  • New Magazine Released
  • New Post in Breaking News
  • New Blog Entry

That should be less than 5 Tweets on a good day.

Why not have 3 separate Twitter accounts for the 3 types of information: RetromagsMags, RetromagsNews, RetromagsBlogs. This way people who want to follow all 3 types of news can do so and those who don't want to see new file submissions won't.

If someone is upset about 5-10 tweets a day, they can unfollow. If twitter brings in tons of new traffic, I would think it is more important than a few select people unfollowing, especially if they are already involved in the project or members of the site.

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For now I have turned that TwitFeed thing off. I will start another one for magazine submissions. Maybe i will start another for the blogs and news too. Someone else can feel free to do so also, since I dislike Twitter :)

Twitter is essentially the same thing as RSS. I like it because I can see which magazines have been submitted without having to visit the site and search :)

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  • Retromags Curator

There. Twitter is back. @Retromags is for magazine releases, @RetromagsNews for news, and @RetromagsBlogs for blogs.

No more twitter stuff for me now.

I've also downloaded some new skins that I plan on installing. Most are blue, but there are some other colours too.

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