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Avatar to be re-released


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Earlier this year James Cameron said that 20th Century Fox may be looking to re-release Avatar on 3D screens after all the summer blockbusters are out of the way. Alice in Wonderland, which was released in March, took over all the 3D screens after Avatar claimed them for 2 straight months. Apparently Avatar could have made another few hundred million if it still had them all to itself.Now 20th Century Fox has announced that the highest grossing film of all time will be re-released on Digital 3D and IMAX 3D on August 27th with over 8 minutes of never before seen footage.

Source: Filmonic

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I thought it kicked ass...but hey, I don't get out much! :bag:

We each like what we like. You can't help it there is no shame in enjoying something that someone else does not, as long as you have fun really that's all that matters. Now if you hate it and say you like it just because everyone else does or love it and say you hate it because of the consensus then that is just not right.

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We each like what we like. You can't help it there is no shame in enjoying something that someone else does not, as long as you have fun really that's all that matters. Now if you hate it and say you like it just because everyone else does or love it and say you hate it because of the consensus then that is just not right.

Nope! I really did like it...first I watched a d/l copy then a few moons later went to the IMAX and wow I was amazed :o

That's my story and I am sticking to it :P

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Still haven't watched it.. I'm not much for trends. At least not while they're current. This 3D jazz has to move on.. this isn't 1983, and 3D was never that great.

It looks like a movie I might like, I just hear so much about it at this point that I'd rather forget it than buy into it.

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Watched it in IMAX, really enjoyed everything (from story to special effects) and if possible would like to go once more to experience it in IMAX. That new digital 3D is really great, too bad they didn't offer The Last Airbender in IMAX, so we had to watch it in regular (again digital) 3D, but my daughter and I liked it anyways. (she will be five next week and we already watched 2 seasons of Avatar - The Last Airbender cartoons)

But what do I know, I think that even Eclipse had some great moments (nice fight between newborns, vampires and wolfs for example :))

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Still haven't watched it.. I'm not much for trends. At least not while they're current. This 3D jazz has to move on.. this isn't 1983, and 3D was never that great.

It looks like a movie I might like, I just hear so much about it at this point that I'd rather forget it than buy into it.

Yeah every movie they release these days has to have a 3D version I don't understand it. Most of the time they throw in extra stuff that just makes it lame because they want the WOW IT"S IN MY FACE effect.

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3D is awesome. I like the added depth when it's done right. Up did a fantastic job with it. So did Toy Story 3, though the effect was more subtle. It makes most movies a bit more fun to watch - for me at least - even though it may not actually add anything to the movie. The 3D effect is what made me able to sit through that terrible Avatar movie.

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