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10 games that should be films


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In its desperate attempts to avoid original creations and find something else to adapt, Hollywood has occasionally looked to the games industry. Generally though, the wrong games have been picked, or the right games have been adapted in the wrong way. Alone in the Dark, Mortal Kombat, Doom… Currently films based on Space Invaders and Asteroids are being planned. Inspired. But there are some huge properties on consoles that would make huge properties on screen. Good ones, too.


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  • Retromags Curator

Crucify me, but Super Mario Bros. desperately needs that sequel, if not a complete reboot.

Reboot? Yes. Sequel? Absolutely not. :)

Silent Hill needs a second incarnation badly.

But speaking of rebooting a franchise, y'all have seen this trailer for Mortal Kombat, right...?



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But speaking of rebooting a franchise, y'all have seen this trailer for Mortal Kombat, right...?

I saw that earlier. Looks good, but I can tell it's going to have a number of throwbacks to the game. It could be fantastic, or it could bomb. Hopefully the former.

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Reboot? Yes. Sequel? Absolutely not. :)

For what it was, the SMB movie was pretty good. Having three directors certainly didn't help, but the special effects were groundbreaking for the time, references to the franchise abound, and respect for the series was there. I'm just waiting on the mythical 20 minutes of footage cut prior to theatrical release.

I really can't see a live-action SMB movie, though. I have a lot of nostalgia for the original movie, but any form of theatrical telling of the story should be left to the animated medium.

But speaking of rebooting a franchise, y'all have seen this trailer for Mortal Kombat, right...?

Looks like it'll be good, if the movie is greenlit, but not so sure about the "realism". My only experiences with the franchise are my cousin playing Mortal Kombat I and II on the SNES. The hellish, almost D00M-like atmosphere of Outworld really defined the games in my mind. That rendition will be sorely missed.

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Yeah, that new MK looks preeeetty bad ass!

I think Double Dragon could've used a reboot, but nobody really cares about those games anymore. A lot of the old NES sidescrollers had plots similar to something that would've been in a movie at the time.

I'd like to see a well done Zelda movie, something with the treatment they gave Prince of Persia. I think if it were backed by some good producers, writers and a director, it would be done right. The plot from the original game could be used, as it was somewhat open. I always imagine it something like 'Legend' or 'The Neverending Story.'

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I'd like to see a well done Zelda movie, something with the treatment they gave Prince of Persia. I think if it were backed by some good producers, writers and a director, it would be done right. The plot from the original game could be used, as it was somewhat open. I always imagine it something like 'Legend' or 'The Neverending Story.'

A Zelda epic is probably the most wanted and most easily video game to translate into a movie adaptation. However, if it gets the "Prince of Persia treatment" they'll cast a buff brunette guy, have him dye his hair blonde, and the movie will bomb. No one appreciated Gyllenhaal getting a spray-tan to look "ethnic".

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  • Retromags Curator

A Zelda epic is probably the most wanted and most easily video game to translate into a movie adaptation. However, if it gets the "Princes of Persia treatment" they'll cast a buff brunette guy, have him dye his hair blonde, and the movie will bomb. No one appreciated Gyllenhaal getting a spray-tan to look "ethnic".

My dear Redstar, why on earth would they cast a buff brunette guy with a blonde dye job when you know they'll simply cast Orlando Bloom in the role and give him his LotR costume back? :)

Also, re: SMB movie, now that Dennis Hopper is no longer with us, who will we get to play Bowser? (Trick question: he'll be CG this time). ;)

Alas, with as awesome as that MK: Rebirth trailer is, it's nothing official. It was just something done to try and get New Line/Warner Bros. interested in the film. But it shows you what you really could do with a game idea if you attempted to translate it as best you could into the "real" world. :)



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My dear Redstar, why on earth would they cast a buff brunette guy with a blonde dye job when you know they'll simply cast Orlando Bloom in the role and give him his LotR costume back? :)

That's even worse! Despite what Zelda/Nintendo-haters may say, Link is pretty damn masculine in a "intelligent, trickster" kind of mythological way. No one would pay to see Legolas as a main character... Rather Mortensen get a dye-job.

Also, re: SMB movie, now that Dennis Hopper is no longer with us, who will we get to play Bowser? (Trick question: he'll be CG this time). ;)

It was a very sad day for SMB fans when he passed. He played the character (not necessarily "Bowser", but the film character) rather well. I do wish that more of the climax had him in the reptilian form, and that it was done through practical effects rather than CGI.

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MK Reboot... decent fight scenes, but...

Uh, why are they making the characters that are supposed to be from other realms into modified humans? Yeah, let's mess with the character backgrounds like in the Street Fight flop...

Am I the only one who liked both MK movies in the 90s?

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Am I the only one who liked both MK movies in the 90s?

I never saw the second one, I saw the first in theaters, but I was a kid. I rewatched it again not too long ago actually and could barely get through it, that's how bad it was.

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I contend, to this day, that the first Mortal Kombat movie is the finest game-to-film translation ever done. It's far better than it has any right to be, but something about it just works and I love it to death even if it really is just one big homage to "Enter the Dragon".

The second one unfortunately wound up losing entirely too many actors from the first film (when you go from Christopher Lambert, Bridgette Wilson, and Linden Ashby playing three of your main characters to James Remar, Sandra Hess, and Chris Conrad instead, that's entirely too many swaps to just expect the audience not to notice), suffered from a terrible script in addition to a change of director, and wasted way too much time on scenes that existed basically for the sole purpose of saying, "Look, we didn't forget that guy! He's right there!" (and if you don't believe me, just look at Rain's single scene debut/exit-stage-left and explain to me how that made the film any better at all).



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