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My mom is dying from cancer


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My mom is only 53 and the last years have been hell for her. She got a rare form of cancer in the form of a large tumor around her femur. First they did chemo and radiation and then surgery to remove it, and she was ok for awhile. Then it came back so they amputated her leg above the knee. Then the cancer started to spread all over after the amputation, even though they said amputating would get rid of the cancer... Now it's in her bones and she is pretty much permanently in bed. Kaiser has given her hospice care now. So I don't know how much time she has left, she hasn't told me and I don't know if the doctors have told her anything. All I know is that this really sucks cus I have always been very close to her. I am her only son. I'm not a religeous person but I am a spiritual person. But right now I figure some hopes and prayers from anyone couldn't hurt. I am crying as I write this. I want to thank anyone in advance who cares. I don't think I am going to come back to read this topic because I think it will be too heartbreaking for me. So please don't feel offended if I don't respond.

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 You and yours will be in the prayers and thoughts of me and mine.  My mother died of congestive heart failure after fighting cancer for 27 years.  It is not easy to deal with and you will eventually find a way, deep down.  It sucks and I hate to hear that a friend is going through this.  Do your best to be with her as much as possible.

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I'm really sorry to hear about what's happening to your mom, KevinCal. It seem's like more and more families are being touched by this awful disease, including my own.

I'm not very religious but I said a prayer for your mom and I hope it help's.

I will be thinking of you and your mom and your family and I've no doubt that a lot of people here at Retromags will be doing the same.

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My uncle just died a month ago from cancer and I don't know how many other friends and family members have or have had it in the recent past. It seems to be getting worse these days with how many people contract the different forms of it. I too will keep you and your family in my prayers, I know this is a very hard thing to have to go through.

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Wow. I don't know what to say. I am sorry to hear that. I wish the best. I have friends who have just recently been diagnosed with cancer, just this year, within a few months of each other. I send good thoughts and wish only the best.

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