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WTF? :/


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Some people may be offended, but, really, Muslims died during 9/11 too. People need to realize that Muslims aren't the enemy... Radical Islamists are. While I seriously question why Muslim leaders feel the need to open these old wounds by building there, I also question why people would be so offended.

It's been nine years already. We need to move forward and know who the real Americans are and who the real enemy is.

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What exactly is a real American anyway? Just curious how you define that ....

Someone that lives here and loves this country? I guess. I'm just saying just because someone isn't a WASP doesn't mean they aren't affected by what happens to this country and that they don't care. Muslims were affected by 9/11 too and it disgusts me that some people find the building of this mosque as some sort of deep offensive against America and New York.

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Yeah I heard about this a while ago. All I've got to say is this had better NEVER happen in my lifetime. This is total bull crap, why would they want to build a mosque but only to say screw you guys. Don't get me wrong because I don't believe it was Muslims that did this to America but it was Muslim extremist terrorists that did. And to allow this would be basically saying you want something just come and blow our crap up and you can have it. Forget that noise!

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What exactly is a real American anyway? Just curious how you define that ....

Three words, two abbreviated: G.I. Joe.

I think it's BS. Totally agree with Thor. America is a place to learn to accept(or "tolerate" as it's said)others religions and ways of life, but they should have the common sense and decency to know this is a bad idea.

I have family that are New Yorkers and I really don't think it's the smartest idea to do this.. the New Yorkers are still pretty pissed about 9/11 and not everyone sees the difference between radical and mainstream Islam. I really don't think they'd care to learn the difference, either. The place would be burned down or vandalized relentlessly.

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Having watched the video and learning that the mosque will be built 2 1/2 blocks from ground zero, I can say that I don't exactly see the issue. Yes, that's a fairly short distance, but it's not like the mosque will be on the actual ground as a metaphorical flag or will take the place of a memorial.

Now, I certainly agree that this isn't the most sensitive move on anyone's part, but there are no legitimate reasons why this shouldn't be done other than common sense. Preventing the mosque would simply amount to intolerance. People should realize that Islam itself isn't the enemy, and this is a small step towards regaining tolerance.

So far all the arguments against I've read against this are either racist or anti-Islam. That's the aspect of this issue that bothers me. The comments by some of the detractors on the video also seem to be based in ignorance: that this is a "political" move and a statement that Islam is taking over the country. Really, it's just Muslims making a statement that they're also Americans and that they won't back down just because other Muslims refuse to see it that way.

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I think it's a bad move on both parts. The part that protests the building of the mosque is wrong because there's nothing wrong with it. The people building the mosque should think of somewhere else just to avoid the tension it causes. I don't think it should be built there. It's not if you wanted or not but why not just avoid the confrontation.

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This whole situation is a tricky one. The way I see it is one it is not on the actual ground zero site so that should not really be a issue, however two it is a bit close and why does the COMMUNITY center have to be 14 floors when the Muslim population in that area of NYC is VERY VERY small.

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