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Resident Evil Afterlife 3D


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I don't think the national rollout is till tomorrow night.  I am sure that there are probably some theaters showing it early though.  I want to see it but I will wait till it is at Redbox and get it for a buck a night, minus the 3D but oh well, I have lived 34 years without it, I think I can survive a little longer.

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After many events in my life, I have become quite the person to avoid crowds (don't like going to Wal-Mart for instance unless it is near 1 am-less people).  Besides, at home, if I decide to rewind the movie because of a cool scene, I can, I don't have to contend with others ruining the movie by heckling or making comments and if I want to make a run to the bathroom, I can pause it.  Not so in the theaters.  Also, the crowds thing.

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After many events in my life, I have become quite the person to avoid crowds (don't like going to Wal-Mart for instance unless it is near 1 am-less people).  Besides, at home, if I decide to rewind the movie because of a cool scene, I can, I don't have to contend with others ruining the movie by heckling or making comments and if I want to make a run to the bathroom, I can pause it.  Not so in the theaters.  Also, the crowds thing.

Yeah I'm with you... when it come to RE movies I saw the first and third at the theaters. I enjoyed those but I just bought 2nd and the CGI movie and hated both of those. I'm going to buy this one when it comes out but usually I don't enjoy spending $8-$14 for a movie so I wait till it hits Redbox. I am debating on going to Jackass... then again I'm going to be training to become a minister so maybe it's not the best idea to be going to a movie like that. Personally I think those movies are funny but being seen at a movie like that might raise some eyebrows.

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 I think $8 is about as much as I am willing to spend on seeing a movie in theaters, $12+ for the 3D version, I just don't see the allure of it (even discounting the crowds situation).  

Thor, I believe that even though you are becoming a minister that your life doesn't end, if you enjoy those types of movies then go see it.  If someone from your congregation sees you there, just tell them you are researching for a future sermon (which you could easily be doing, the best sermons come from the heart, our actions and deeds forge our hearts).  Seriously, just because you are putting yourself in service of the Lord doesn't mean you can't enjoy life too.

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The movie was pretty good. The opening was really, really dumb, but after that first scene it became more enjoyable. Some characters you can connect with, some good action, and a really cool "zombie" boss. A lot more Resident Evil references thrown in (without any context, but still nice) and some better plot than the last one.

I would not pay for 3D, though. There was some use in the beginning of the movie, though not much in the middle. Some more at the end. The extent of the 3D was basically some overblown depth perception, including computer desks "coming at you". It was poorly implemented

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