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Problems In Linux


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Hi all, thanks for making all these wonderful Nintendo Power scans available.

Anyways, I am running Ubuntu 6.06, and I am trying to open the files using Comix (http://comix.sourceforge.net/) and it doesn't recognize the files at all. Also, when I try to open them up with unrar, it says they are not valid rar files. Does the compression scheme use something that is non-standard, or something that is in a recent version of the rar-ing program?

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i guess that this site ISN't open-source firendy after all ;)

(I don't know linux well enough to answer this question, though I want to, as I support open-source standards...like firefox!!!)

on a semi-related note... can a pc dual-boot windows xp and linux on the same partition?

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Well no, that isn't working, it isn't recognizing them as being rar files at all. I am using the latest version of unrar so the format should not matter.


snes@victory:~/super nes/np$ unrar x nintendo_power_016_-_1990_sep-oct.rar

UNRAR 3.51 freeware	  Copyright (c) 1993-2005 Alexander Roshal

nintendo_power_016_-_1990_sep-oct.rar is not RAR archive
No files to extract

I suppose I can try it on my Windows machine at work, though I am only have access to that sporatically.

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