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Nintendo Power Scans are Complete


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The Nintendo Power section is finally complete (sort of). Member nodoubt provided the last dozen or so issues that were needed. He had scanned them (and all his NP magazines), for his own collection, debinding with scissors and running them through an auto-document feeder. Because of this, some pages start off straight but end up slightly crooked at the bottom, some have the corners folded in, and some were too "damaged" or rough to be edited to correct everything. Overall the scans are very good, and every issue from 1988 to 1999 are there. Eventually I will re-scan the issues that I have on hand (issues 111, 113, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 125 and 127) and replace the existing scans with the new ones. And if anyone has any existing issues and they want to replace a currently scanned issue with a new scan, you are free to do so. Just make sure it's better than what is already there ;).

So a big thanks to nodoubt for the scans, and to me for the editing!

Download issues here

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He scanned V.51-137, 193-260 for himself, and graciously donated the ones we needed. Some of them are a bit rough, but nothing terrible by any means. It's nice to have one magazine complete. I would like to get GamePro done next if I can find anyone besides Phillyman with the missing issues.

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  • 3 months later...

Hey guys. There is an issue with Nintendo Power volume 110. For whatever reason the file has 21 pages from Volume 131 at the end. I downloaded it and couldn't figure it out and when I compared it to the issue I had on hand I realized those pages were apart of this issue. Issue 110 is intact, but there are just extra pages in there that don't belong.

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Well, I did give you the invite there for this kind of thing, heh. Just remember the standards there are a bit higher than many torrent sites, so you may want to take a moment to bang out at least a passable Description page. The site pretty much walks you through the process and automatically generates a tracker for that site eventually.

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:unsure: Well, you're no longer in my Invite Tree, so that could be the case. That's unfortunate since now the upload credit I transferred to you is now completely lost. Checking site log... yep: "2011-03-08 14:00:03 User account eday2010(404868) was deleted by system (inactive)"

Well, I'll invite you again, but try and keep an active seed/leech there this time, at least until you get promoted beyond being auto-pruned.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 3 years later...
  On 3/28/2016 at 9:59 PM, marktrade said:

Wait a minute. You mean to tell me your self-congratulatory posts go all the way back to the 2010? lol

From the torrent itself :):


Many thanks to the various scanners who contributed to this run of 127 issues (myself included).

It's definitely a trend lol. I can't say anything, though. When I first started releasing mags, I just dutifully went by the "new release post template" including the "Thanks to____" line, so I ended up inserting my own name and thanking myself on the first few posts before realizing that I should just delete that line altogether.

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  On 3/29/2016 at 4:15 AM, E-Day said:

I only started adding my name to my releases because TOLUST would always thank Sean697 for the donation. The donation is the easy part :P

I don't know. Giving up a magazine is kind of hard. Don't you feel anything when you're de-binding them? :)

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  On 3/29/2016 at 4:28 AM, marktrade said:

I don't know. Giving up a magazine is kind of hard. Don't you feel anything when you're de-binding them? :)

For the most part, no. I only feel sad if it's an old magazine from the early 90s, or one that I know is hard to find. Otherwise I feel nothing. I don't care about these late 90s EGMs I have been scanning, so de-binding them doesn't do anything but let me know that my pile is shrinking :)

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