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Power Glove


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i always talk myself out of buying one of these because it's so impractical. yes, says the guy who has a Virtual Boy, a ROB, and a Power Pad (the last of which i've never used or even tested). i know that at some point i'm going to have to pick one up, just because of the novelty of it, but it's. just. so. bad.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I had one of these bad boys lying around in the shed for the past 17 years after a mate brought it over one day and just left it because..well..because the Power Glove really sucks. BUT, I decided to take it out last year and clean it off with q-tips and what not--gave it a really nice detailing--and hooked it up to my old NES and lo and behold, the old bastard worked!  At least, it worked as well as could be expected...which was not very well.  Still, I was able to play Mike Tyson's Punch-Out and have my ass handed to me by Glass Joe and I must say it was one of the most glorious video game losses I have ever experienced.  The Power Glove is sooo bad, but I'm happy to say I own one.  Yeah, I own it.  I'm not giving it back to my no-good friend.

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