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  • Retromags Curator

Hey Guys, sorry I have not been around much in the past few months. I am trying to get a few things in order with my life and as such I am short on time these days. Right now I am trying to increase my skill set and decrease my body weight. So I have had my head buried in books and when I am not reading I am dieting and exercising. I picked up the book "The 4 Hour Body" and started on a Slow Carb diet. I am now taking pictures of everything I eat and post it online as a way to keep track of my progress. Its only day 2 of my diet, but I am feeling good and optimistic that this will be the diet that helps me lose the 62lbs of fat I gained in the past 12 years. You can always find me over at....


For anyone wanting to know more about slow carb diets...


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  • Retromags Curator

Hey Guys, sorry I have not been around much in the past few months. I am trying to get a few things in order with my life and as such I am short on time these days. Right now I am trying to increase my skill set and decrease my body weight. So I have had my head buried in books and when I am not reading I am dieting and exercising. I picked up the book "The 4 Hour Body" and started on a Slow Carb diet. I am now taking pictures of everything I eat and post it online as a way to keep track of my progress. Its only day 2 of my diet, but I am feeling good and optimistic that this will be the diet that helps me lose the 62lbs of fat I gained in the past 12 years. You can always find me over at....


For anyone wanting to know more about slow carb diets...


Always nice to see you, Philly! And I applaud your decision to shed those pounds. You'll look great, feel great, and be happier with yourself the closer and closer you get to your target. You can do it! :)



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Good for you bro!

I too am going to get back into an exercise program, I've lost all the weight that I wanted to over the past couple months but now I want to get fit. All the data you gather while trying to loose weight helps you be accountable, great to hear it's working out for you.

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  • Retromags Curator

So when he finally shows up, it's for shameless self-promotion :P.

I've set a goal for myself to lose 50 lbs over the course of the year. I don't have room for exercise equipment, so I will put my Kinect to use to be active inside since jogging outside when it's -25 degrees celcius isn't the best thing to do. Taking pictures of everything you eat is a good idea and something I might start doing myself.

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  • Retromags Curator

I know not everyone is comfortable with this idea, but also taking pictures of your body (with or without head cut out) can be motivating.

I will be taking pictures tonite, but I can't help but think E-day is going to like that a bit too much. Maybe I could do the Prince pose that Meppi kept posting back in the day :P

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  • Retromags Curator

I will be taking pictures tonite, but I can't help but think E-day is going to like that a bit too much. Maybe I could do the Prince pose that Meppi kept posting back in the day :P

Remember: I wield the awesome might of the banhammer now, and I'm not afraid to use it. Think before you post. ;)



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  • Retromags Curator

I've been sitting here for 24 hours trying to figure out some sort of effective way of threatening to crush your Game Boy with my Xbox, but I think I've used up my video game-related creativity when it comes to insults. So instead, I offer this is the way of a witty riposte:




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So when he finally shows up, it's for shameless self-promotion :P.

I've set a goal for myself to lose 50 lbs over the course of the year. I don't have room for exercise equipment, so I will put my Kinect to use to be active inside since jogging outside when it's -25 degrees celcius isn't the best thing to do. Taking pictures of everything you eat is a good idea and something I might start doing myself.

You can easily loose 50lbs in about 3 months with little exercise equipment. All you need at the most is dumbbells or any kind of resistant band. I lost 50lbs doing the Power 90 program and it really works. I bought the program myself but there are other ways to see the exercise videos these days.

And that whole self-promotion thing... actually that helps. When you have others that praise you for what you are doing it helps you keep going (even if it's just people online).

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You can easily loose 50lbs in about 3 months with little exercise equipment. All you need at the most is dumbbells or any kind of resistant band. I lost 50lbs doing the Power 90 program and it really works. I bought the program myself but there are other ways to see the exercise videos these days.

And that whole self-promotion thing... actually that helps. When you have others that praise you for what you are doing it helps you keep going (even if it's just people online).

Another good way to exercise with little room is to get an exercise bike. They are around $100, but can fit in very little space. Ride it for 1 hour a day and you are guaranteed to lose weight. Just put on a movie and watch half one day and finish it the next.

I'd like to lose about 5 lbs myself but if I told you how much I weigh now, I might receive a few dirty looks :)

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  • Retromags Curator

You can easily loose 50lbs in about 3 months with little exercise equipment. All you need at the most is dumbbells or any kind of resistant band. I lost 50lbs doing the Power 90 program and it really works. I bought the program myself but there are other ways to see the exercise videos these days.

And that whole self-promotion thing... actually that helps. When you have others that praise you for what you are doing it helps you keep going (even if it's just people online).

Yeah its not like I have a donation system set up :P , I just feel more obligated to lose when I know people are watching.

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  • Retromags Curator

What works best for me is having it be a competition to see who can do better than the other person. For me, if an exercise or activity is boring, I won't stick with it. Stationary equipment like a bike or elliptical are great because I can distract myself. If I had the room for one, I would get one. But my place is already short on room, and we are adding another member to the family next month. I'll put my Kinect to work in the meantime, and use my bicycle quite a bit more when it stops being winter.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can't take that much chicken and rice and beans. I need more variety. I am going a different route and eating what I normally do, but in smaller portions.

I agree with this approach. Special diets only really work as long as you are on them. They can also be very expensive. If I had to lose weight, I would do it by counting calories. That way you can eat whatever you want, but when you hit the limit, you are done for the day, unless you exercise.

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  • Retromags Curator

That is what I am currently trying to do, though I am starting off very slowly. My first step has been to cut down the amount of soda I drink. Normally I would have one with lunch at work and then some on the weekend as well. Now I am limited to weekends only, unless I eat something during the week that requires cola (like pizza). So far so good, as I have only cheated once this week (cola with lunch today), and did well last week too. Next will be eating smaller portions. Actually, I have already started that with some meals, such as those that I am not crazy about, and will start with sizing down the portions of the foods that I love. THAT is the hard part!

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  • Retromags Curator

I agree with this approach. Special diets only really work as long as you are on them. They can also be very expensive. If I had to lose weight, I would do it by counting calories. That way you can eat whatever you want, but when you hit the limit, you are done for the day, unless you exercise.

Its not that bad, I just switch between the following things....

Grilled Meats with no seasoning or oil

Some type of beans

Some type of steamed veggies

I dont care what I eat, as long as I consistently lose 2lbs a week for the next 6 months or so

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Its not that bad, I just switch between the following things....

Grilled Meats with no seasoning or oil

Some type of beans

Some type of steamed veggies

I dont care what I eat, as long as I consistently lose 2lbs a week for the next 6 months or so


That is what I am currently trying to do, though I am starting off very slowly. My first step has been to cut down the amount of soda I drink. Normally I would have one with lunch at work and then some on the weekend as well. Now I am limited to weekends only, unless I eat something during the week that requires cola (like pizza). So far so good, as I have only cheated once this week (cola with lunch today), and did well last week too. Next will be eating smaller portions. Actually, I have already started that with some meals, such as those that I am not crazy about, and will start with sizing down the portions of the foods that I love. THAT is the hard part!

As long as they are diet sodas, it really doesn't matter all that much. I have a Diet Coke M-F (they are free at work). If you have iphone or ipod touch, download the Lose It app. It's free and it helps track daily calories and how many you have remaining.

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  • Retromags Curator

They aren't diet sodas. If they were I wouldn't worry about it. Coke Zero used to be tolerable, but then I started tasting the Aspartame a lot in it, so I had to go back to the real stuff.

What I loved was Coca~Cola C2, which was half diet. That stuff was awesome; half the calories and sugar without the diet taste. Sadly it died with the Atkins fad.

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They aren't diet sodas. If they were I wouldn't worry about it. Coke Zero used to be tolerable, but then I started tasting the Aspartame a lot in it, so I had to go back to the real stuff.

What I loved was Coca~Cola C2, which was half diet. That stuff was awesome; half the calories and sugar without the diet taste. Sadly it died with the Atkins fad.

If you don't care about the caffeine and simply want something flavored with carbonation, I like 0 calorie drinks like this: 100_1407 The black cherry one actually tasted better than cherry coke :)

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