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Who's up for the 3DS?

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Okay Retromagers, last week the latest details of the 3DS and it will be released on March 27. Price??...$249.99, I thought the price was going to be $300 so it was good news to me. What really gets me interested in this handheld is how people get blown away by the 3D view without glasses of the games and since there is no way to see this without having a 3DS, that is something I want to see.

Another cool element is the game selection(or in the making)

Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time

Super Street Fighter 4

Resident Evil Revelations

Resident Evil Mercenaries

Kid Icarus

Star Fox

Dead or Alive

Assassin's Creed

Kingdom Hearts

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

Mario Kart

I already reserved mine, you doing the same?? why or why not?

Info from IGN.com



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  • Retromags Curator

I am in no rush for the 3DS since I have a ton of DS games to still play. Plus there are not announced games that make me need to have the system, apart from downloadable GameBoy games. Plus I do not know how easy it would be for me to go from a DSi XL with its huge screens to the smaller 3DS. When they announce a new Mario game or some other game that I definitely want to play, I will plop down the money for one. That, or they release a bigger version.

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I am in no rush for the 3DS since I have a ton of DS games to still play. Plus there are not announced games that make me need to have the system, apart from downloadable GameBoy games. Plus I do not know how easy it would be for me to go from a DSi XL with its huge screens to the smaller 3DS. When they announce a new Mario game or some other game that I definitely want to play, I will plop down the money for one. That, or they release a bigger version.

Yeah I've been loving the XL so I know where your coming from.

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I've got mine reserved and paid off. As with DOA and SSF4. Next paycheck I'll reserve another game. I'm so excited about this, but I'm not completely happy with the launch line up. I've not been this excited about a handheld since GBA.

Hey Thor, after its launch, lets trade 3DS codes, so we can play SSF4.

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I guess the big question for me is ... how long before games crop up that require the 3DS analog stick? .. therefore cannot play on the old consoles or have playability issues without analog. Or will there be titles that are 3DS ONLY? The DSL I have has a buggered mic so I have been thinking about the XL due to the lovely screen size but the 3DS throws the issue of future compatibility into the ring. How many times have we heard about 100% compatibility only to find that isn't quite true? It tends to make me want to wait for the dust to settle before handing the money over.

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Hey Thor, after its launch, lets trade 3DS codes, so we can play SSF4.


I guess the big question for me is ... how long before games crop up that require the 3DS analog stick? .. therefore cannot play on the old consoles or have playability issues without analog. Or will there be titles that are 3DS ONLY? The DSL I have has a buggered mic so I have been thinking about the XL due to the lovely screen size but the 3DS throws the issue of future compatibility into the ring. How many times have we heard about 100% compatibility only to find that isn't quite true? It tends to make me want to wait for the dust to settle before handing the money over.

My assumption would be the only games that require the Circle Pad would be 3DS games. No DS games should use it at all... then again it should be a simple thing to program a game that allows the use of it. Hmmm... I see where you are going with that. I'm sure most games that will utilize it will be 3DS games and not DS games though. It would be nice to play Mario DS on the 3DS if it allows the use of that pad rather than using the touch screen as an analog controller or playing a 3D game with that honky D Pad.

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If a game requires the circle pad, it will be a 3DS game. 3DS games will not be compatible with the DS at all, and they never said they would be. The only thing they have said is that DS games are compatible with the 3DS.

And that screws up the whole compatibility thing for me to the point where a NDS XL is no longer a good buy. The thing is I like the screen size so given the way Nintendo work maybe I now wait for 3DS XL which is bound to happen sooner or later

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  • 4 weeks later...

Interested for sure. The deciding factor will be what games make it for the launch. Enough to get me to buy one during the launch window, or do I wait a while? I guess a really good launch sale would encourage me too. Gift cards, free bundled games, the usual goodies Amazon and TrU have been offering at various times of the year.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Retromags Curator

I'm holding off. I already have too many games to play. I would love to play around with the built-in software if I had extra money to just throw around, but I can wait. Especially since I find anything that is not the size of the DSi XL too small, and that includes the 3DS.

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Sheeze, posted here a month ago and only now do I get messages indicating replies?

I want one but think it's best to wait. There's only 2 launch games and few really good sales. The other games I want come out later. My backlog is big enough between the PS3, Wii, and original DS so I'll wait for the craze to die down. The battery life is also an issue, however I don't know if I'll wait long enough for them to fix that.

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Sheeze, posted here a month ago and only now do I get messages indicating replies?

I want one but think it's best to wait. There's only 2 launch games and few really good sales. The other games I want come out later. My backlog is big enough between the PS3, Wii, and original DS so I'll wait for the craze to die down. The battery life is also an issue, however I don't know if I'll wait long enough for them to fix that.

I was thinking of buying an additional 3DS battery or two on ebay, they are pretty cheap


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  • Retromags Curator

But how good are they? And will they work properly?

I know if I use rechargeable battery packs in my Wii remote, the remote will become unresponsive while looking for a signal before shutting off when I play New Super Mario Bros. Wii or Mario Galaxy 2.

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But how good are they? And will they work properly?

I know if I use rechargeable battery packs in my Wii remote, the remote will become unresponsive while looking for a signal before shutting off when I play New Super Mario Bros. Wii or Mario Galaxy 2.

I don't know, but I'll try it out. The rechargeable wii remote battery packs will get unresponsive in time because recharging a battery that is supposed to substitute AA batteries (normally 1.5V) will die out in less time than a rechargeable battery that has more voltage (3DS battery is 3.7V) so they are built to last more, but in time will also die. I'll let you know :)

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Whether they work or not, how would you charge it? By taking apart the 3DS all the time? I'm sure a solution will come along but how soon and do I want to wait for that before getting the system.

Yeah there is already a solution, a Nyko Power Pack, check it out


The price is not bad but I'll still buy an extra battery because even though it's a pain to change it every time to charge it. An extra battery will last more than an auxiliary battery and knowing Nyko (my experience with Wiimote battery packs) after twenty uses, the battery will start to charge less and less, and each one of those batteries costs $19.99...plus tax...you decide

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