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Who's up for the 3DS?

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Ok, I officially have the 3DS...and it's awesome! Looks awesome, the graphics are top notch (considering the small screen, they can be compared with current gen consoles) and last and definitely not least the 3D is real time awesome. It takes a little getting used to, but it is the real thing.

I cant't wait for game like Ocarina of Time and Resident Evil to come out on the 3DS, this system will literally add console experience on the go.

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I tried it yesterday at Best Buy. It's neat, but I am officially not that interested in it. The 3D effect was cool, even if it was a bit weird on my eyes at first.

My main gripe was at how small the thing it. It is way too small. They should have made the thing the size of the DSi XL, or at least have the stop screen be bigger on the current model. The circle pad is much tinier than I thought it would be. So I will be waiting a long while before getting one. Possibly when/if they release a larger version.

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E-Day, remember that this is a portable system, is it was larger it wouldn't fit in someones pocket (like the XL) and I'm sure that is they made the 3D screen any bigger, the batteries would die even faster and the circle pad may be small but it's responsive. Another thing is that until you play with the AR games (and cards) you will not see the possibilities that this system has. I'm sure that there will be a bigger version, with better battery life and any tweaks in between in the future, but people waiting for that one will have to wait for at least 2 years...

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I'll probably wait for Kid Icarus if I do get one.

Seems like I usually wait until the handheld systems have been out a while before I pick them up, though. I always wanted a DS when it launched, but decided to wait because I just didn't like how it looked. Then they ended up coming out with the DS Lite and I was bent on getting one.

The 3DS looks good from the getgo, but I might wait to see if any flaws exist and if they change anything about it. Also, price drops happen after a while.

I think Kid Icarus Uprising and Star Fox 64 3D come out on May 6th. We'll see how I feel by then..

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