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  On 2/6/2011 at 10:25 AM, Xcore said:

Check this one, tons of scanned magazines


Just zip the folder containing all pages and rename it to .cbr or .cbz instead of .zip.

No edit button eh?

The best way to download magazines from this site is to use some sort of simple ftp client, as Total Commander or Free Commander for exemple.



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  On 2/7/2011 at 2:14 AM, KiwiArcader said:

World of spectrum mags are fairly low-grade raw scans compared to cleaned up mags hosted on this site. I am considering using a few to fill in blanks in my Computer Gamer collection but that's the only reason I'd use theirs to be honest.

You can always use XnView or similar to do some quick batch job to make most pages look a bit better. World of Spectrum has plenty of interesting magazines such complete collections of Your Sinclair, Sinclair User, Crash, The Games Machine, Your Computer and similar. When i get hold of a descent scannner i will scan lots of older swedish magazines from 1983 and forwards. Btw, good idea for a site, the computer magz was one of the best things with the good old days.

Btw, one folder says "Swedish Sega Force", it's in english and not the swedish version of that magazine. I happend to have some scanned issues of swedish Sega Force that i can upload later.

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  On 2/13/2011 at 4:23 AM, Areala said:

These are awesome links, Xcore! I can't read a word of Swedish, but I can sure enjoy the pictures. :)



Some information

The first computer mag i ever bought was "Min Hemdator" (my home computer) in 1983 when i bought myself a Vic 20. Just weeks after there were at least 4 different computer magazines on the swedish market. All of them were pretty basic in the beginning and used much of their material from the american and british magazines. I bought all of them just to read about the new exciting thing going on, computers and games. Vic 20 was called "folkdatorn" (the peoples computer) in Sweden. :D The first english magazine i bought was a magazine from UK, Your Computer.

Swedish Sega Force is one of my favourite magazines of all times. It was insane funny to read because they had plenty of humour in just about every review. We're talking true british style of ironic and sarcastic humour. Some of the reviews was hilarius fun to read and they called SNES for "the big grey box" and NES for "the little grey box" just to annoy all Nintendo owners. :D

Your Sinclair had a similar type of humour and was very enjoyable to read even if i didn't bought myself a Sinclair Spectrum.

Computer mags means a lot to me and they was just as fun and important as the games themselves, me think. If i find more links to other sites i will post them here. And when i get a scanner i have a huge collection of both swedish and foreign magazines to scan. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 2/28/2011 at 6:07 PM, Xcore said:

Lots of magazines as torrents


(Downloading all issues of Zzap 64 right now) ;)

Lots of C64 magazines here


And Amiga Magazines


Note that in most cases the mags you can download from lemon64 torrents are pretty much raw scans many of which are 150dpi ... ergo ...not the greatest quality. Others are 150dpi OCR versions so they are searchable but again not the greatest quality. If you are just after grabbing that sort of thing because you want everything available then they're fine. I know ...I have everyhting released on torrents etc. But that's also the reason why I am scanning my own stuff ... because they don't really do justice to the mags in my opinion. Better than nothing though I guess...

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I know that the quality isn't that great but it's worth to download anyway because i never bought Zzap 64 and can't get them any other way. I bought most magazines except C64 magazines, sad enough. When i get a scanner i will scan and upload some of my huge collection of computer magazines.


I download lots of comics too. For real old comics try Golden Age comics


You can find most of these comics as torrents too, it saves lots of work.

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