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Top 10 NES Titles


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  • Retromags Curator

I want to know what YOUR personal favorite 10 best NES games of all time are. They can be in order if you like, or completely disordered if you can't make up your mind. But I want 10 of them. Not 9, not 11, no listing a full series as one "game" so you can fit more in--be picky, be merciless. Defend your choices if you want, abuse other people for theirs if you must, or just post 'em up and vanish. I want to see TALKING. Lots of it. And right now! :)



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Yeah I'm going to have to put this in total random order because I don't know if I can pick wich I like the most.


Zelda II


Mario II

Mario III

Dragon Warrior

Megaman 3


Castlevania II


Star Tropics

Oops that 11 well I need to add an honorable mention:

Shadow Gate

Final Fantasy

One thing that I love about the 3DS is tracking how much time you play each individual game. I wish that would have been possible back in the 80's I'd love to know how much time I've put in for a lifetime on games like the above mentioned.

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  On 4/21/2011 at 2:25 PM, Schloss Ritter said:

Thor, you didn't enjoy DW 2-4?

My list would be pretty much the same except FF would be in the top 10 somewhere instead of Castlevania 1-2 (maybe add part 3). Nice to see someone else like MM3 more than MM2 also.

I'm not sure what it was about DW 2 and 3 that did not really interest me and I don't think I've ever played the 4th one. At the time Final Fantasy was around I was playing Phantasy Star so needless to say FF was just okay. I love it on the Gameboy and PSP now and did play it on the NES but did not love it. Castlevania 3 was good too just no room to put it down. And I think MM3 was the best out of all the NES MM games. They all hold a special place in my heart though.

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  • 4 weeks later...

1) Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link

2) Super Mario Bros. 2

3) Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse

4) The Legend of Zelda

5) Life Force

6) Kirby's Adventure

7) Contra

8) Deja Vu

9) The Uninvited

10) Super Mario Bros. 3

Honorable Mentions:

Little Nemo: The Dream Master

Double Dragon

The Ultimate Stuntman

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  • 1 month later...
  On 4/11/2011 at 12:25 AM, Mister Zero said:

:Yahooo: Props to Jake for listing Lolo 3.

What? They made 3 Lolos? And here I was thinking I was the only person in the world that had ever played the first one...

  On 4/21/2011 at 2:25 PM, Schloss Ritter said:

Thor, you didn't enjoy DW 2-4?

My list would be pretty much the same except FF would be in the top 10 somewhere instead of Castlevania 1-2 (maybe add part 3).

I'd go ahead and add DW 1 to that "I did not like it at all" list. Since I don't like to play a game before playing the ones that came before it, I had to play DW1. Oh boy, it was annoying, even if we consider using an emulator to fast forward the endless experience grinding the game requires. And lets not start about those unlit dungeons that required you to buy dozens of torches and also draw a map to get through them (or having a Rainman like memory). I hated that (although I know some people that really miss buying quadriculated sheets of paper for drawing the maps). At least now I am finally done with it and I plan to never look back.

FF1, which I have played on the same grounds (got play the original ones before playing the rest of the series) is WAY better than DW1. Even though it still requires some experience grinding, it has many more elements that make the trip much more enjoyable.

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  • Retromags Curator

I just realized I neglected to list my own 10. Time to remedy that. :)

1 - River City Ransom

2 - Super Dodge Ball

3 - The Guardian Legend

4 - Contra

5 - Super Mario Bros. 3

6 - Dragon Warrior IV

7 - Mega Man II

8 - The Legend of Zelda

9 - Castlevania II: Simon's Quest

10 - StarTropics



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  On 7/14/2011 at 3:24 AM, Areala said:

1 - River City Ransom

2 - Super Dodge Ball

Hum... you should also try that soccer game they made, specially the Japanese version. I forgot the game name, but the U.S. version was called, if I am not mistaken, World Cup, but was not as cool as the original. The original has an story mode that is great. Probably the best "non simulation" NES soccer game. In the matter of fact, not only NES...

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Only 10? Not sure I can do that. Lol. With the size of my collection there's just too many I'd hate to leave out. Although I could vote for the less common ones and leave out the givens like Zelda, Mario 3, River City Ransom, and Startropics. I'm glad Lolo, Life Force, and Guardian Legend were mentioned as well. Surprised that nobody chose Metal Gear or TMNT2: Arcade Game yet. Then Seicross or Kickle Cubicle... As you can tell top 10 lists aren't easy when you have 100+ games.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Retromags Curator
  On 7/17/2011 at 6:24 PM, Ferneu said:

Hum... you should also try that soccer game they made, specially the Japanese version. I forgot the game name, but the U.S. version was called, if I am not mistaken, World Cup, but was not as cool as the original. The original has an story mode that is great. Probably the best "non simulation" NES soccer game. In the matter of fact, not only NES...

I own Nintendo World Cup, and while it's done in the same vein as the Kunio-kun games, I never got into it as much as I got into RCR and Super Dodgeball. I'd love to play the Famicom version just to see what's different. :)



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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

There are so many great ones to choose from. But Contra is all time. Who didn't like playing Contra? Back in the day, it was the game everyone had.

1. Contra

2. The Legend of Zelda

3. Mike Tyson's Punch Out

4. Metroid

5. Mega Man

6. Super Mario 3

7. Tecmo Bowl

8. Castlevania

9. Kid Icarus

10. . Final Fantasy

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 8/10/2011 at 11:57 PM, Areala said:

I own Nintendo World Cup, and while it's done in the same vein as the Kunio-kun games, I never got into it as much as I got into RCR and Super Dodgeball. I'd love to play the Famicom version just to see what's different. :)



You will not regret. It is not simply the same game with Japanese text. You will see. I really wish I had enough free time to take some (serious) Japanese lessons so I could understand what they are saying, though.

Ah, sorry for taking 4 months to reply! hehe

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is it okay if I add an extra one? These are in no particular order.

Super Mario Bros. 3



Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!

Double Dragon

The Legend of Zelda

Kirby's Adventure


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project

Mega Man 2


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  • 2 weeks later...

Not in any real order and subject to change

1. Battle Kid - A homebrew game, but it's already two years old and earns a place on the list; Battle Kid 2 will probably knock it off.

2. Mario 3 - Just too addictive to run through the last few worlds with the Hammer suit.

3. Little Nemo - Animal friends give it variety.

4. Moai Kun (Famicom only) - Sideview single-screen brainteasing platformer.

5. Recca (Famicom only) - Ridiculously fast vertical shooter with lots of gimmicky effects.

6. Gargoyle's Quest II - This should've been all platforming, but at least the gliding is solid.

7. Uforia/Hebreke (Released in Europe) - Although I didn't see the point of having four characters (Their abilities could be condensed into one without affecting the control scheme), it's a cute Metroid-style platformer with some great NES music.

8. Vice Project Doom - Eh, maybe not top 10 material, but it's a blend of Spy Hunter overhead shooting, hack-and-slash action and even some Operation Wolf-like first person shooting and the controls are fluid enough to make it all entertaining. Plus the cinemas tell a dark story with goofy writing.

9. Tiny Toon Adventures - A lot more fun than any Looney Tunes-licensed game; pretty much up there with the Capcom Disney games.

10. Adventure Island IV - This is almost Super Metroid-quality in game design. Am stuck on it, though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. Super Mario Bros. 3

2. The Legend of Zelda

3. Tetris

4. Contra

5. Super Mario Bros.

6. Mega Man 2

7. Tecmo Super Bowl

8. Metroid

9. Duck Hunt

10. Castlevania II: Simon's Quest

Honorable mentions:

- Battletoads

- DuckTales

- Final Fantasy

- Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!

- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project

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