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Top 10 NES Titles


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In no particular order. I'm only listing the ones that I have played, and only on the Famicom, not emulated or re-made:

1. Double Dragon III

2. Adventure Island

3. Battle City II

4. Contra

5. Salamander

6. Wai Wai World

7. Ninja Gaiden

8. Punch-Out!

9. The Goonies

10. Double Dragon I

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My top 10 NES Games is the following:


- Shadow Of The Ninja / Blue Shadow (EU)

- Solstice

- Turtles III - The Manhattan Project

- Nintendo World Cup

- Double Dragon II - The Revenge

- Gyruss

- Castlevania II - Simon's Quest

- Boulderdash

- Tetris

- The Legend Of Zelda

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Oooh, I'll try too.

In no particular order:


- Final Fantasy III

- Kirby's Adventure

- Mega Man 2

- Castlevania III

- Ninja Gaiden

- Contra

- Crystalis

- Dragon Warrior IV

- Super Mario Bros. 3

- The Legend of Zelda


Dammit, I have 13.

Honorable mentions:

- Adventures of Lolo

- Duck Tales

- Gargoyle's Quest II

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  • 2 weeks later...

this was posted before my time, but i can't resist but join in:


1. The Legend of Zelda.  -THE game that spawned my love of video games.

2. Super Mario Bros. 3.  -an all-time great, and for a reason.

3. Punch-Out!!  -specifically the Mike Tyson version, but nothing against Mr. Dream

4. Mega Man  -i mean the entire series is excellent, but my vote is for #4, i owned 2 & 3, but had to rent #4, which made the challenge and intrigue greater. Plus you can charge.

5. Bomberman  -a game that i never played as a kid and didn't discover until i was in my 20s, but fell in love with completely the second it started. What an amazing game.

6. TMNT 2: The Arcade Game  -after the travesty that is the first Turtles game (don't get me wrong, i played it endlessly), this game is exactly what i needed.

7. Double Dragon  -most argue that DD2 is superior, but i grew up with the first and love it completely.

8. Contra  -come on, who doesn't love this?

9. Adventure Island  -i know now that this is a port of Wonder Boy from Sega, but i didn't at the time.

10. Bubble Bobble  -my wife's favorite game, and it holds a special place in my heart as well. So cute and fun but some stages are just brutal


i have an honorable mention spot for Metroid. i've never fully delved into the game to give it an accurate ranking, but i always enjoyed it. Some day, i will sit on my basement floor and hand-draw maps for it as i navigate my way through those tunnels and doors and fall in love with it. That day is not today.


oh man, there are SOOO many games that i love that didn't make the cut. Kirby's Adventure, CastleVania, Dr. Mario, Little Nemo, Alfred Chicken, and the list goes on.

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  On 8/19/2016 at 2:04 AM, twiztor said:
2. Super Mario Bros. 3.  -an all-time great, and for a reason.



Have you ever seen the top 100 games of all time readers' poll put out by Famitsu (back in 2006, I believe)?

Mario 3 is #99.  I guess it's remembered more fondly outside of Japan.


I like the games on your list (with the exception of Adventure Island), so I'm not picking on it, but just randomly decided to use it as my basis for comparison to check against the Famitsu one out of curiosity.

1. The Legend of Zelda.  #46

2. Super Mario Bros. 3. #99


The rest don't make the top 100.  Mind you, this is top 100 for all platforms, not just the NES.  So maybe that poll is unfair. Hmm...

Well, back in 2003, Famitsu did a top 100 NES reader's poll.  Let's see if the list fares better.


1. The Legend of Zelda.  #8

2. Super Mario Bros. 3.  #3 (what a difference a few years makes!)

3. Punch-Out!! not ranked

4. Mega Man 4 #87 (all 6 are on the list, but Mega Man 4 is the lowest ranked)

5. Bomberman  #34

6. TMNT 2: The Arcade Game not ranked

7. Double Dragon  not ranked

8. Contra  #74

9. Adventure Island  #60

10. Bubble Bobble not ranked


and your honorable mention of Metroid comes in at #29.


For anyone curious, here is what the readers of Japan say are the top ten NES games:

1) Dragon Quest 3

2) SMB

3) SMB 3

4) Final Fantasy 3

5) Dragon Quest 4

6) Dragon Quest 2

7) Dragon Quest

8) Legend of Zelda

9) Mother

10) Mario Bros (not SMB)


I've gotta say the lack of variety on that list is more than a little indicative of the Japanese game industry as a whole in my opinion, but it is what it is.

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  On 8/19/2016 at 2:37 AM, kitsunebi77 said:

Have you ever seen the top 100 games of all time readers' poll put out by Famitsu (back in 2006, I believe)?

Mario 3 is #99.  I guess it's remembered more fondly outside of Japan.


wow, that's nuts.


  On 8/19/2016 at 2:37 AM, kitsunebi77 said:

Well, back in 2003, Famitsu did a top 100 NES reader's poll.  Let's see if the list fares better.


1. The Legend of Zelda.  #8

2. Super Mario Bros. 3.  #3 (what a difference a few years makes!)

3. Punch-Out!! not ranked

4. Mega Man 4 #87 (all 6 are on the list, but Mega Man 4 is the lowest ranked)

5. Bomberman  #34

6. TMNT 2: The Arcade Game not ranked

7. Double Dragon  not ranked

8. Contra  #74

9. Adventure Island  #60

10. Bubble Bobble not ranked


and your honorable mention of Metroid comes in at #29.


For anyone curious, here is what the readers of Japan say are the top ten NES games:

1) Dragon Quest 3

2) SMB

3) SMB 3

4) Final Fantasy 3

5) Dragon Quest 4

6) Dragon Quest 2

7) Dragon Quest

8) Legend of Zelda

9) Mother

10) Mario Bros (not SMB)


I've gotta say the lack of variety on that list is more than a little indicative of the Japanese game industry as a whole in my opinion, but it is what it is.


yeah, i'm not an RPG guy, so that list doesn't look like much to me. how the original Mario Bros game makes that list is mind-boggling.


i'm surprised that Punch-Out! isn't ranked on the top 100 list you quoted. has boxing ever been popular in Japan? i don't follow it, but i'm not familiar with any Japanese boxers. i guess that could easily be a reason.

not surprised that MM4 is the lowest of the Mega Man games. it's generally regarded as "more of the same" even here in the States, but like i said, i love it.


i just read the complete list. it's insane. no Ninja Gaiden, no Bubble Bobble, no Kid Icarus? yet they have like 4 DragonBall Z games. utterly bizarre.

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  • 2 months later...
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Teenage mutant ninja turtles 2

Duck tales

Chip n dale

Super Mario bros

Super Mario bros 3

Mega man 3


Bubble bobble

Punch out

Kid Icarus

I didn't put much thought into it and I am sure I forgot plenty, also many great games been mentioned a lot already. However a bit disappoint no one mentioned gremlins 2?!

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  • 4 weeks later...

 1. Super Mario Bros 3
 2. Kirby's Adventure
 3. Castlevania 2
 4. Metroid
 5. Final Fantasy
 6. Dragon Warrior 3
 7. Zelda
 8. Mega Man 6
 9. Mother/Earthbound Zero
10. Crystalis

Honorable mentions:

Magic of Scheherazade, Faxanadu, TMNT 3, almost anything by Capcom, Castlevania 1 and 3, Punch-Out, the rest of the Dragon Warriors, and Zelda 2.

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