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Good magazines (for dl here) for Saturn and Neo Geo game coverage?


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Hi :)

I was just wondering, of all the magazines you have here for download

(or will have here shortly for download)...

Which ones are your favorites for Saturn and Neo Geo game coverage? ^_^

Please say why and be as thorough / detailed as you can.

I'm just looking for good sources of info on Saturn / Neo Geo games when I do research on games on those systems.)

Thanks! ^_^


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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 3/19/2011 at 8:16 PM, dhowerter said:

Anybody know? :) There must be some Neo Geo and Saturn fans here ^_^

I would appreciate any input.

Did I put this in the right forum? -_^


Hello. For Saturn I recomend you Offical Sega Saturn Magazine (UK) :D

I dont know is this magazine available for download on Retromags but if isnt i can send you PM with link where you can download all 37 issues of this magazine :D

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  On 3/19/2011 at 10:56 PM, mpx said:

Hello. For Saturn I recomend you Offical Sega Saturn Magazine (UK) :D

I dont know is this magazine available for download on Retromags but if isnt i can send you PM with link where you can download all 37 issues of this magazine :D

Thanks for the reply! :)

Nope, retromags currently has no Official Sega Saturn Magazines (UK) available for download.

I'm posting the link you PMed me with ALL 37 issues for download here.

(share the wealth ^_^)

***Downloads for ALL 37 Issues of Offical Sega Saturn Magazine(UK):***

[Link Moderated due to Emulation/ROM site linking]

So, does anybody else have any suggestions for magazines available for downlaod with good coverage of Saturn games and /or Neo Geo game coverage? ^_^


Edited by Mister Zero
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Hate to rain on the parade but we're not supposed to link to emulation/rom sites from this site. It could impact our credability. If we could get an okay directly from the scanner to host the files here, though, it would be a different story and we could upload them here.

Hopefully you have the link by now, because I'll have to take it down. I myself use the site you linked to, as well, but we can't have it linked to from Retromags. Thanks for your cooperation and contribution to the site. I hope this won't deter you from posting further because we all enjoy your topics and conversation. :D

Also, it's probably okay to PM these type things to each other, but not to post it in topics. Have fun!

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  On 3/27/2011 at 4:36 AM, KiwiArcader said:

These were all Meppi's contributions anyway and you can find them over at OoPA. Show some loving over at the guys who created them rather than at a warez site ....


All those issues were already scanned by me and have been removed since I'm redoing them in higher resolution as well as with a lot more eye for detail and new editing techniques, which means that the new versions I'm doing on OoPA are without a doubt my "definite" versions.

some of those old version took me about 5 hours to create from start to finish, while the issues that I've been doing since starting up the new site take anywhere from 20-30 hours to create. Hopefully that shows through in the quality as well.

Same thing goes for Maximum, CVG, or any other magazines I've scanning in the past 5 years.

Just about all of those have been picked up by various sites and distributed all over the place.

But again, I'm not happy with the quality of my earlier works so those will not be put online on OoPA.

So if you're looking for high quality ones without any blurriness on the spines or parts of the scans missing due to cropping issues head over to the catalogue section of our site.

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  On 3/27/2011 at 4:36 AM, KiwiArcader said:

These were all Meppi's contributions anyway and you can find them over at OoPA. Show some loving over at the guys who created them rather than at a warez site ....

On OoPA there is 14 high quality scans of Saturn Magazine. Sorry because I give link to dhowerter. :(

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  On 3/27/2011 at 2:20 PM, mpx said:

On OoPA there is 14 high quality scans of Saturn Magazine. Sorry because I give link to dhowerter. :(

Don't worry about it. ;)

It's been a long time since I did those versions, and since I never put my name on the scans or anything like that you couldn't have known these were done by me anyway, unless you go digging deep into this forums past.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Oh dear. I apologize if I accidentally broke a forum posting rule >_< I didn't know about the no linking to emu sites.

I just wanted to share scans of this awesome Saturn magazine...^_^

(thanks for the link tho mpx! :)

**MEPPI** -

BTW, meppi, 4 questions for ya:

1. Any clue when you might be finished redoing ALL 37 issues of the Offical Sega Saturn magazine over at OOPA? (weeks? months? years? just want to know roughly when to expect them.. ;)

2. I haven't had a chance to download any of the Official Sega Saturn Magazine OOPA scans yet.

Is there THAT big a difference in quality between the scans at the site mpx linked me to and the ones at OOPA?

3. Would the text / game pics be significantly clearer in your new scans? That might be worth waiting for... if I can restrain myself (I'm a rather large Saturn fan)

4. I was planning on sharing the link to the other magazine scan site (it is a emu site) over at the OOPA forums. (has magazine scans, guide scans, even comic book scans O_O)

Is that allowed at the OOPA forum or is it a no no just like at retromags?

ANYWAY, back on topic ^_^

Does anybody else have any suggestions for magazines available for download with good coverage of Saturn games and /or Neo Geo game coverage? ^_^

(doesn't HAVE to be devoted to only 1 system)


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  • 3 months later...
  • 7 months later...
  On 4/6/2012 at 8:23 PM, MetalFRO said:

Did these ever get rescanned and shared? I am a Saturn lover and would appreciate getting these scans, if anyone has them and would be willing to share :)

Did you actually read through this thread?

There is a link to the OoPA website where you can get high quality versions of the OSSM mag from the guys who scanned them in the first place.

You can also grab several issues of the short-lived Saturn Power magazine over at my website http://www.oldgamemags.com

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