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Battle on Hoth Author looking for cover art fo Your Computer July 83


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Hi All

Well, maybe my title and description says it all.

Back in '83 I sold a program to Your Computer magazine. It was a crappy program that was a Sinclair Spectrum rip-off of an Atari game.

I still have the listing page from the July '83 issue, but I wish I still have the cover, which I did keep for many years.

I have found a copy of the magazine front cover on another archive site, but it's not what I remember, which was pretty cool. An iconic image from Empire Strikes Back of imperial walkers. This was the thing that amazed me was how prominent my listing would command. Believe me, the actual program was not as exciting as the cover promised, but there you go...early days. But I can't find that cover. Or maybe dementure is setting in.

I'm begging anyone with a July '83 issue of Your Computer to have a look and mail me what you see. My listing was on page 106 I think.


Duncan Kinnaird

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I have a knee high pile of Your Computer magazines in my collection. I'll have a look through them and see if I have that particular issue.

That would be fantastic KiwiArcader


That would be fantastic KiwiArcader


Although I just remembered that ther was an Australian version of Your Computer which might be what's distributed in New Zealand. I don't know. But I really appreciate any help.


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Sorry to say but I am missing that issue.

I have issues on either side of Jul 83 but I remember throwing a few issues out because they had water damage so I'm thinking it was one of those issues unfortunately.

The Gull of bad luck craps on my chips again!

Thanks for looking Kiwi. I really appreciate it.


Authour of 'Battle on Hoth' for the ZX Spectrum 1983

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The Gull of bad luck craps on my chips again!

Thanks for looking Kiwi. I really appreciate it.


Authour of 'Battle on Hoth' for the ZX Spectrum 1983

Well .... I am currently working with the owner of the Elecrtron site where you probably saw the cover scan recently. He only has low grade versions of some 10 issues of Your Computer in his archive and had a note asking for anyone with those mags to assist him in obtaining better scans. I am currently working to provide these as I have all bar one issue of the ones he needs. I'll see if I can obtain the cover of your particular issue for you.

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