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where are the F'ing PDF magazines at?


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Okay, so what happened to the PDF versions of the gamepro scans? We used to have the option for CBR and PDF for gamepro downloads? What happened to the PDF option?

Removing the PDF option is called a "downgrade"! it is the opposite of an improvement, which is a bad thing if you dont know.

So when are we going to fix this F'ing problem?

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First off, "swearing" isn't going to help anything, and isn't going to win you any favours. Secondly, I don't remember there being PDFs and CBRs for GamePro. Apart from Nintendo Power and the odd issue here and there, the only one posting PDFs is KiwiArcader. Everything else is and was CBR/CBZ. If there were GamePro PDFs, they were probably lost in the move to hosting things on MegaUpload since there are no GamePro PDFs on the site's MegaUpload account.

That being said, you are free to create PDFs from the CBR files available, and provide them to someone who can add them as a download option. Then PDFs will be available again. So go ahead and do that, and I will gladly add them to each issue in the download manager. If you aren't willing to help, then don't bitch and complain. You only have three posts on this forum, and all three are whining complaints. As you've previously been told, this isn't a site designed for leechers. This site gets by on the help and contributions from its members, not from people like you.

You're good at complaining; how about we see how good you are at helping?

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I have all the Gamepro's in PDF format but as I recently created my own site I have been more concerned about adding new content over there rather than retreads of RM's Gamepro mags in a PDF format.

RM has always been CBR oriented. E-Day was correct ... I am the only one who has made PDF content available here anyway and those are all hosted on my personal MU account & not this sites dedicated account. I am currently on a 20GB/month datacap for my DSL but once I get shifted onto the 80GB plan I will start to upload content such as the Gamepro's over at OGM

BTW ... if I were you and I wanted a magazine I'd be grabbing whatever version was available rather than spewing verbage at the site owners over the format. What we do isn't legal in any sense and there is NO GUARANTEE that specific content won't be pulled from the site with no notice given due to legal complications. Read into that what you will but I believe that at some point due to the iPad phenomenom that publishers will start to look at asserting their ownership rights as they realise they can make money themselves by providing digital versions of their mags. At that point sites like ours will become redundant. Or have a lot less content available.

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