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Laptop Shopping


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  • Retromags Curator

So with the new baby, I don't really have room for my aging desktop PC. While I have always hated laptops, right now it makes sense for me to get one because of the space issue. But even though it will be a laptop, I need it to do everything a new desktop would do.

Shopping around, there are a few choices that very in price, but that hover around $1400-$1600 US. A Core i7 and lots of RAM are a must for magazine editing duties as well as editing 1080p60 HD video in Adobe Premiere and After Effects, or similar programs. Only one place (cyberpowerpc.com), offers the option of having a built-in Blu-ray burner, which is ideal since I would need one anyways and would rather have it built in instead of external.

So for those more knowledgeable on laptop specs, what components should I be looking for for 1080p60 video editing and Photoshop work, as well as whatever other intensive stuff I do, and what should I expect to pay? I am most concerned about CPU, RAM, video card, and perhaps motherboard chipset since only a certain Intel chipset allows the on board GPU help with video editing/rendering/encoding. Obviously I want something capable that I won't need to replace in a few years ( I still plan on building a desktop once we are in a bigger house) without bankrupting myself.

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As specs go I'm way out of the loop on PCs now because honestly I've just decided not to care anymore.

Ever since I bought my first laptop (I'm on my 2nd) I've not wanted to go back to a desktop. I do video editing and image manipulation but I don't really play games at all unless you count MAME. I think a laptop is really the way to go. My current laptop was about $1000 and it really gets the job done I just want to add some more RAM to it though to make my larger image files easier to draw because once I start getting quite a few layers things slow down on me.

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  • Retromags Curator

I don't plan on using mine to play any games. I want good insides strictly for Photoshop and HD video editing. There are about four different Sandy Bridge Core i7 CPUs that you can get in a laptop. I am wondering how big the performance difference is between the bottom and top one, and if it is worth the extra cost.

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