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Retromags History


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ummm... i guess i missed the "old" logo from april.. could someone post it on like a history section... that section could also talk about the old retromags site/forum, which i also missed sad.gif .... could talk about why founded, etc. etc...........

yeh... i said this before.... but if someone actually like tacked this to the homepage nxt sunday where the contest thing would have been (the contest will've ended by next sat)... anyhow, just thought it might be a good idea... any thoughts???

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Here's what I know.

The project now known as gamemanuals.net used to share a forum with grh.se (~2004?), and I lurked there once in a while. The game manual project made major headway and archived a _ton_ of stuff, which you can see (and contribute to) here. GoodRomsHeaven was a great site by the way; this cat called Ragowit bundled up goodsets as torrents and released them to the world. Much easier than finding roms one at a time! :)

Anyway, while manuals were getting scanned, the forum was not a very happy place. Attitudes got a bit out of hand and epic flamewars were waged. Our very own phillyman took some nasty hits from Fenner, a prolific scanner and gamemanuals.net admin. (Fenner's calmed down a lot, but you can still smell the 'tude in their forum.) Most of Fenner's flames were a variation on the theme, "I'm always right because I do all the work."

So one day phillyman announces he's starting his own project to complement gamemanuals.net, and retromags launched a few months later.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...
A history section would be very neat!

I don't think worrying about a history section is necessary at the present time... unless it attracts members. I don't think most ppl care about history of this site though... they just want mags. :mellow:

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