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NBA Jam T.E.


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  • 4 years later...
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I loved, loved, loved, loved, LOOOOOVED NBA Jam TE. As I mentioned in the NBA XTREEEAM IN YO FACE!!! thread I'm not really one for sports games that aren't about combat of some sort, but NBA Jam was the exception. That game was so....well, just so damn fun.

TE, in particular, got the most of my attention. The first home release of the game was great but TE arrived when I was 16, going on 17, and I hadn't yet gotten my own car. So, I was right at the age to appreciate the golden years of video games, but not yet at the point where I was the person behind the steering wheel. The solution? The SEGA Nomad, one of the coolest things ever invented. I hate the fact that this thing bombed because it was, and still is, an amazing little machine. It was a portable Genesis - straight up, just a portable Genesis with a control pad, buttons, and a rich backlit LCD screen.

And what games did I enjoy on this machine? Oh yeah. Mortal Kombat 3, Ghouls 'N Ghosts, Super Street Fighter II, Gemfire, and NBA Jam: TE. That game was an absolute blast for long trips. Oh, the hours I whittled away running onto those gimmicky point modifiers on the court and killing my opponents with infinite shoving tricks. And thanks to all kinds of crazy hidden codes and crazy cameo appearances I was able get to just chill in the backseat with Bill Clinton in the palm of my hands. I got to be just like Monica Lewinsky!

NBA Jam was rad. NBA Jam: Tournament Edition was even radder. End of.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

NBA jam and te Hells yes!! I remember playing the original NBA jam and entering the code for the mini tank game making everybody freak out at the arcade that such a code existed. I loved it on the genesis more than the snes since my cousin only had the genesis. George Clinton and warren moon was our team if i remember correctly. I always picked charlotte the bulls or the hawks kuzz their stats seemed even at the time. Then te came out and those insane dunks from the other side of the court blew my mind. Good old days.

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