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Game Trailers

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I think game trailer can really be a big selling point to a game. Be it one that gets your pulse pounding or tugs at your heart strings if they can reach your emotions on any level it can raise a gamers interest level enough perhaps to be willing to put the money down for that game that just looks amazing. Aside from that, they can be just a lot of fun.

I'm relatively new in the grand scheme of things when it comes to video games but I enjoy them very much obviously. I just thought it would be fun to share your favorite game trailer or trailers that either helped sell you on getting a copy or you just thought were great.

For me, the trailer for Dragon Age: Origins comes to mind. It's very cinematic and the music is amazing. The music actually inspired me to buy the band's whole CD which I enjoy. Here is the trailer!

Another for me would be the terrifying game of Dead Space. The innocence of a nursery rhyme is totally at odds with the horrors that the game brings. It's chilling. Enjoy!

Feel free to post and share as many as you like!

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I'll see your "Dragon Age" and "Dead Space" trailers and raise you one "Dead Island" Announcement Trailer. Made me cry the first time I saw it, and still catches in my throat watching it months later:

And just because I loved it, here's the trailer for "The Thing" on PC, Xbox and PS2 released in 2002 as a sequel to John Carpenter's film of the same name. Darker than I remember it being, so crank up the contrast a bit, and enjoy. Very effective. :)



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Watching these trailers has put me in the Halloween spirit, I'll have to get around to choosing a suitably chilling game to play over Halloween.

That Dragon Age: Origins trailer is truly epic, must check it out sometime :)

Really like the Dead Island trailer too, it's clever and the music is really beautiful :)

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