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S/NES recommendations


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I'll bite. Try Kemco's "Ghost Lion" for the NES. It's an RPG in the same style as "Dragon Warrior" but with a female protagonist who can summon the spirits of various animals to assist her in combat and rewards exploration over tons of killing to determine how you "level" up. The storyline is pretty basic fare, and the graphics consist of a lot of tile maps and palette-swapped enemies, but it still gives off a pretty solid "Chronicles of Narnia" vibe to me. :)



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Lufia and the Fortress of Doom and it's sequel/prequel Lufia II: Rise of the sinistrals. Two of the best RPGs released for the Super Nintendo. The first game is good but the second one knocks it out of the park in terms of graphics, story, party and combat options, and diabolical puzzles. I would also suggest Soul Blazer for the Super Nintendo. It's a top down action RPG from Enix where you fight to restore a destroyed world. To advance you destroy monster lairs which will release the souls of people who then rebuild parts of the map. Areas that need restoring include a mountain village, a forest full of talking animals, an underwater city, and a scientist's home and laboratory. Areas that you fight in include inside of a painting, inside a scale model city and inside people's dreams.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bunch of good recommendations already. Seconded on KickMaster - pretty underrated little game. If you haven't played Shatterhand on NES I'd recommend that very highly as well. Another side-scroller that doesn't look like much but is a ton of fun.

And on the subject of Enix SNES games, if you haven't played it you should totally check out Actraiser. It's half side-scrolling action, half world-building simulation, with some very loose connections to the aforementioned Soul Blazer. Always loved the visual style, great sprite work and it has a stunning Yuzo Koshiro soundtrack, the symphonic version of which is totally worth hunting down as well.

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Difficult game to find, but the Pal release of Terranigma (Pal release in English) is one of my favorite games. Its very similar to Zelda with a much more in depth story! I "think" the hardware mod where you break the tabs off beside the pin connector inside the snes will allow you to play this game. (i know for a fact this works with super famicom, not as certain for pal) Good luck!

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My favorite SNES games, Fire Emblem 4 and 5, were never released in the US, sadly. There are fan translation if you wanna go that route, though. Anyway for great stateside released SNES games... I'd recommend both Lost Vikings games, Earthbound as previously mentioned, Zelda: A Link To The Past (imo the best zelda of all time), and Zombies Ate My Neighbors.

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I agree with Actraiser, EarthBound, both Lost Vikings games, and A Link to the Past. I own all those games and each one is well worth playing. The sequel to Actraiser was a disappointment though because they removed the city building part and made it a pure side scrolling action game. Lost Vikings is interesting because it could be described as a side scrolling puzzle game. You have three different vikings you can take control of and they each have unique abilities you have to use to work your way through the levels. If you're going to try to get EarthBound try to get it with the official Nintendo player's guide that came packaged with it when it was released. Unfortunately I bought my copy from a used game store long after it came out and I only have the cartridge.

Speaking of SoulBlazer and Terranigma, you might want to check out Illusion of Gaia as well. It came between SoulBlazer and Terranigma and together those three games made up a loosely connected series. I remember it being a bit more linear than SoulBlazer but it's still worth checking out.

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