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MegaUploads Shut Down, 99% of Retromags Collection Unavailable


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  On 1/21/2012 at 2:30 PM, E-Day said:

I don't know if I would go that slow. That's severe underkill :)

That is pretty much the speed I've downloaded everything I got from here. At least I think it was from here. The way I've discovered you guys was through a big torrent file full of old EGMs and I think the torrent comment pointed to here.

It took a while, but I survived.

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  On 1/21/2012 at 3:11 PM, Bill Smith said:

What is the total size of the existing scanned collection? Underground gamer would be a good place to host it.

I've got 66 gigs worth of scans, and that only includes some of the US magazines. I don't have all of them, nor do I have any of the UK or international ones. I am guessing the total is over 100 gigs.

  On 1/21/2012 at 3:59 PM, Bablefish said:

Fear not Megaupload users it seems they are not dead yet. It seems Megaupload is in the process of permanently closing down it’s US servers and moving everything that they can to 2 new servers also located in The Netherlands and out of US control.

Do they even have anything left after their servers were seized? And do you know that it's the MegaUpload people behind the attempted resurrection in the Netherlands, and not some random people trying to bring it back on their own?

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This is all just what I believe, when the FBI Seized MegaUpload they likely removed the hard drives from the racks and just kept the hard drives as evidence. If after MegaUpload proves they are not responsible for any crimes committed by it's users, they should get their hard drives back but we won't know until after the hearing and then probably a trial.

If MegaUpload wins their hard drives back and the feds didn't damage them, it would be possible but very complex to get the hard drives set up the way they were. Unless they have an exact system of identifying which drives get connected to which ports then they will likely claim that the data is gone. This happened enough when the site was running.

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-RAGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE QUIIIIIIIIIITTTTT- ): sorry to hear it guys,maybe you could find an alternative site x.x?

god damn and i just found this site only about 2 weeks ago and started to download Nintendo Power... only got to issue 6 because of slow overseas internet (im not at home :c) if anyone can, could they torrent the issues of NP for me :D? like 1-10 or 1-50 i would be greatful ^_^

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When I first heard the news the first thing I though was,"Oh crap, what about RM?!"

I say we go with someone's torrent. It would be the easiest solution for the time being. I think I need a bigger HDD, though, in order to share a torrent of that size. I'd be willing to get one to help share if that's the route we go temporarily. I'm due for an upgrade anyway.

It also may be easier if we split the files into dedicated torrents according to magazine.

What's the verdict?

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  On 1/22/2012 at 10:39 PM, retrogamer32 said:

Someone PLEASE post the Nintendo Power magazines via Torrent. :help: I just found this site a few weeks ago and only downloaded about 40 to 50 magazines. I think the best thing to do set up a torrent for each magazine collection. Something nees to be done soon!!!

They are already up on Demonoid.

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  On 1/23/2012 at 12:09 AM, terpsfan101 said:

Looks like Filesonic has disabled sharing. I tried to download a magazine from OldGameMags and was greeted with this message:

All sharing functionality on FileSonic is now disabled. Our service can only be used to upload and retrieve files that you have uploaded personally.

Pre-emptive measures, I guess. They don't want to be taken down next.

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I've removed the link because that torrent contains issues that go past the December 1999 cutoff rule for magazines still in publication that this site adheres to. Even though it's an offsite torrent, it's still being linked to from here, which is a no-no.

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Newest issue in the torrent was from early-2003. Didn't think it was an issue since the content isn't being hosted here. And you were not very clear about the 1999 rule when you have discussed solutions to the current upload problem.

Here's a quote from you:

"Then I will grab them so that I have a copy of everything. RAW scans and stuff that was not in the Downloads section when MegaUpload went down is not a concern."

A copy of everything, some of the post-2000 stuff, has retromags cover sheets.

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  On 1/24/2012 at 12:26 AM, terpsfan101 said:

Newest issue in the torrent was from early-2003. Didn't think it was an issue since the content isn't being hosted here. And you were not very clear about the 1999 rule when you have discussed solutions to the current upload problem.

Here's a quote from you:

"Then I will grab them so that I have a copy of everything. RAW scans and stuff that was not in the Downloads section when MegaUpload went down is not a concern."

A copy of everything, some of the post-2000 stuff, has retromags cover sheets.

"...stuff that was not in the Downloads section when MegaUpload went down is not a concern.", meaning I am not worried about getting that stuff back; only the stuff that was in the Download Manager. My discussions about solutions to the situation takes into account the 1999 rule. That rule is always in place. The post-2000 stuff is only magazines that have gone out of print. Everything is laid out here.

  On 1/24/2012 at 12:37 AM, terpsfan101 said:

Couldn't you have just deleted my post and sent me a PM, instead of making me look like an ass by censoring my post?

Would you have been better with me just deleting them and messaging you? You don't look like an ass because I edited your posts. You're a newer member, so you might not have been aware or the rule or whatever. That was my impression. It's no big deal. You can create another torrent without the post-1999 stuff and link to it from here, in the original post even.

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Yes, I was aware of the 1999 rule. But I am curios as to why there are Nintendo Power magazines from 2000 with Retromags coversheets. April 2000, May 2000, June 2000, July 2000, February 2001 issues have Retromags coversheets.

The final reason why I though it was OK to include the post-1999 issues, was that the "Big torrent" released a few years ago is full of content that violates the 1999 rule for current publications, and you did not post any objections to it at the time.

Sorry again, for the misunderstanding. I will post a new Nintendo Power torrent soon. I have to figure out how to exclude the offending files without having to move them to another directory. If I knew how to do this, I probably wouldn't have included them in the first place.

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Because it was a few years ago (three I think) that the 1999 rule came into place. Before that is was a rolling five-year limit. But we wanted a bigger buffer so that content owners would have less reason to bother us, plus we would have started reading about the Xbox 360 in scans; not very retro :). And I didn't run the site when the torrent was released (or when the rul was changed). Last year we bent the rules a bit to allow for post-2000 scans for magazines that are no longer around so that there would be a chance to get complete runs of defunct magazines.

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  On 1/24/2012 at 11:29 PM, Bablefish said:

It seems FileSonic, FileServe and Uploaded got hit by what happened with Megaupload read this

According to the article in question, those services more are engaging in a voluntary CYA-thing as opposed to an actual raid.

EDIT: Also, having read the indictment, (keeping in mind that IANAL), Megaupload might have been engaging in some legal shenangans - in terms of not actually deleting files that they received a take-down notice for. Also, Kim Dot-Com is apparently also suspected of engaging in insider trading.

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