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Let's help out E-Day


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I am talking to all of you like me who has submitted stuff that E-Day later posted to Megaupload. We know that stuff is unavailable and who knows if the rumors I heard will even happen. What I am suggesting is this upload those same files to whatever file hosting site you signed in to and submit your own link. That is what I plan on doing.

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I am talking to all of you like me who has submitted stuff that E-Day later posted to Megaupload. We know that stuff is unavailable and who knows if the rumors I heard will even happen. What I am suggesting is this upload those same files to whatever file hosting site you signed in to and submit your own link. That is what I plan on doing.

This is a good idea, but right now it's probably best to take a "wait and see" approach for a few days. Lots of file sharing/hosting services are in the process of suspending the ability for their own users to share content with others in the wake of the Megaupload debacle. There's no point in expending a crap-ton of energy to get stuff hosted somewhere else only for all that work to amount to nothing in 24-48 hours if the service you choose decides to follow suit.

I'd also encourage anybody who has anything personal uploaded to any of these other services to download it and do a local archive/backup of it if at all possible. A good friend of mine who had a lifetime Megaupload membership just lost six years' worth of archived digital family photos that he was helping to scan and distribute to the rest of his family who live all over the US. We're not talking a guy who backed up tons of ISOs for piracy, but was using the service the way it was intended to be used: as off-site backup for sharing and distributing personal files. He's already looking at legal proceedings against the government to get these images back, or be compensated for what has been literally thousands of hours of work wiped out in an instant with no warning and, to his way of thinking, no reason. I guarantee he's not the only one who has been bent over this way, and the aftermath of this MU raid is going to be ugly as all hell.

Let's just hold tight, see what happens in the next week or two, and then we can make a better-informed decision about where and how we can start bringing the site back into existence. :)



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