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Who has a PS Vita or is thinking about getting one?


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The reason I ask is I'm undivided. Tax refund is coming in about a week so I'm thinking it might be a good time to go ahead and get one. My problem is... The PS3 is not a gaming console to me I only use it for BluRay and Xvid. Every so often I play Ridge Racer 7 on it. The same thing goes for PSP I've not touched it in years! I loved it when it had first come out but slowly it became a emulator system and that was it (Ridge Racer again once and a while though).

I play 3DS usually at least once a day but only on the crapper.

I'm a sucker for new video game consoles and I think this may just be my need to have a new console and not because I love Sony.

The Pros:

Lumines, Ridge Racer, HD Gaming (which to me is a very small pro), FFX, Doctor Who.


Having to pay for the memory card (no on board memory); cost of system, my lack of interest in Sony systems because of the lack of US support, bulky for a hand held, battery life.

I don't know I'm just not leaning one way or another as to why I want or need this system.

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I'm undecided for a different reason. You can say I'm a fan of their platforms due to the wide variety of excellent games (which is why I'd question your lack of US support comment). The PS3 offers all I want this gen besides Nin's specific titles. My problem lies more around what they did with the PSP. The lack of games and constant updates which offer nothing but unwanted fluff kinda caused me to put it away and not touch it for years. Couldn't care less about movies and such. Don't own any BR's and my DVD shelf is solely collections of animated shows. The updating problem is also an issue on PS3 but at least the library makes me overlook the issue.

The launch of the Vita looks ok, but what's coming a few months down the road? Good games, or pointless updates and required features I neither asked for nor want? I have a 3DS already and still have a bit of a backlog on the DS. Money's not a big issue if I know I'll get my value from it. Yeah the cost of storage isn't too pleasing either. I prefer a little bulk to handhelds, the smaller they get the harder they are to play on certain games. If I knew they'd keep the games coming I'd get it soon.

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  • 1 month later...

Hope you've made up your mind on the Vita. Personally I've always thought the problem with the PSP was that Sony tried to put the hardcore experience of a home console into a handheld, which doesn't take into account how I play games. If I'm playing the PS3 then I can afford to give it all my attention for a couple of hours. I think mobile gaming works best with either casual games or a short burst of an intense game. I couldn't see myself wanting to play a handheld for hours. But that just me, you may be different.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

I do want one, but there's not much software out that can justify my purchase of one. Then there's the overpriced, mediocre-speed proprietary memory cards you're forced to buy. Hopefully a lot of killer-apps get announced at E3 in the coming days.

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PSP was a huge disappoiment for me because it lacked good original PSP titles. Few good games and that's it. After that being said, I've been playing a lot those PS1 titles that have been ported to PSP. It is awesome to play those classics on the go. It really is troublesome that I rather play old PS1 titles with my PSP than the original PSP games.

That's why I'm not really getting my hopes up with PS Vita. Game collection makes a good console so I'm going to wait for a while and see what PS Vita is offering on the games section. It would awesome to play those PS1 titles with PS Vita though :)

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  • 5 weeks later...

I don't have one yet either. Nothing too compelling games-wise for me to get all excited about.

But then again the fact I don't own one is not that big a surprise where I'm concerned. I'm hardly ever an early adopter of new systems. I tend to let the dust settle for a bit before I take the plunge.

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  • 1 month later...

I guess that makes me the first poster in this thread to own a Vita? I have a 3DS too and my play time basically seesaws between the two. Right now, I'm playing Theatrhythm so that's been getting all of my game time.

Anyway, it's an awesome piece of hardware. It really needs a better game lineup because it has a lot of potential.

I currently have two games, Disgaea 3 and Gravity Rush. I just got the platinum trophy for Gravity Rush, and Disgaea 3 has so much replay value that I don't even need to buy another game for a while.

I plan to get Project Diva f once it releases and also Persona 4 Golden. Those games should be enough to last me until 2013.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Forgot I posted here. It's weird to read what I wrote, because after seeing some deals on the Vita and games too I bought one at launch. And wouldn't you know it, we have few games and useless updates. I think I've gotten one game besides the 7 I got during the launch (it was B2G1) and the rest were delayed or disappeared. I've finished half of them, but since my PS3 backlog is the biggest I really haven't cranked through the Vita, DS, or 3DS backlogs like I'd do in years past.

Nin proves that games sell portable systems, not fancy hardware alone.

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