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Learn about Marc Ericksen, Illustrator


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  • Retromags Curator

Once in a while, something happens that makes the tedious of running this site worthwhile. That occurred yesterday.

Usually when I get email at my Retromags account, it's either junk mail, or an inactive member asking to have their account deleted. Yesterday, I encountered a pleasant surprise. I saw an email in my inbox from someone named Marc Ericksen. I initially thought it was spam since a lot of spam I get has an actual name. When I opened it I realized it was a legitimate email from a legitimate person.

It turns out Marc is an illustrator, and has been so for a long time. He emailed to thank me for having this site up as he was using it to remember which GamePro covers he had illustrated back in the day. Yes; Marc Ericksen illustrated several covers of GamePro magazine, as well as many other things, like print ads, game box art, and toy illustrations.

It was nice to hear from someone who worked on the stuff we are preserving here. It was even nicer when he offered to send me the original work he had done, and nicer yet when he said I could post it here for those interested in seeing it. So here it is (I've watermarked each image with his name to try and deter theft from ne’er-do-wells):

The Cover of the Original issue of GamePro:


And the original art:

GamePro Issue 001 Cover Art.jpg

The Cover of issue 3 of GamePro:


And the original art:

GamePro Issue 003 Cover Art.jpg

The Cover of issue 4 of GamePro:


And the original art:

GamePro Issue 004 Cover Art.jpg

The Cover of issue 11 of GamePro:


The original art:

GamePro Issue 011 Cover Art.jpg

And the article in the magazine:

GamePro Issue 011 Article.jpg

The Cover of issue 14 of GamePro:


And the original art:

GamePro Issue 014 Cover Art.jpg

The Cover of issue 46 of GamePro:


And the original art:

GamePro Issue 046 Cover Art.jpg

The box art for the 1988 computer game Ocean Ranger:


And the original art:

Ocean Ranger.jpg

The box art for the 1990 Sega Genesis game G-LOC: Air :


And the original art:


I would like to thank Marc for contacting me and telling me about some of the work he's done, as well as for sharing some of his game-related art with me and this site. If you want to see more, head over to http://www.marcericksen.com/. There is a lot of game related box art that he has done, as well as other stuff some of you may recognize.

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  • Retromags Curator

Marc has asked me to find the items that he has illustrated for that he doesn't remember. He sent me about 10, and I was able to find nine of them. There is one I cannot find anything about. So I leave up to you guys to see if you can identify the image


What is that from?

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  • Retromags Curator
  On 3/11/2012 at 3:52 AM, E-Day said:

Marc has asked me to find the items that he has illustrated for that he doesn't remember. He sent me about 10, and I was able to find nine of them. There is one I cannot find anything about. So I leave up to you guys to see if you can identify the image


What is that from?

Based on the artwork, I'd guess it was some sort of ad illustration or mag illustration for a game in the R-Type series. Maybe that can help narrow down the search? :)




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  • Retromags Curator

Marc has been kind enough to provide me with some rough sketches and the final product, for anyone interested in seeing how artwork goes from the rough stage to the final stage. Quite nifty!

Rough work is on the left, final image is on the right:

Hydra for the Atari Lynx


Stalingrad for DOS


Steel Talon for Atari Lynx


Star Trek Screensaver for Mac


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