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First Newsgroups, Now This...


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It's been a well-kept secret among the administration that each magazine downloaded from Retromags from a filesharing service provides the moderators and admins with a small stipend, generally measured in pennies, which we have been using to keep the site up and running. Now that the move to the newsgroups is pending, we will require a new revenue stream to continue providing this service, so the following rules will be going into effect as of April 15th (appropriate, since it's tax time).

General forum members: You will be required to PM either E-Day or myself each month, provide us with the name of each file you have downloaded and the total number of downloads for the month, either from the site archives or the newsgroups. We will reply with a paypal address where you can send $.02 per magazine download to ensure continued operations of the site. Please note, we will have access to the server logs--users who violate these terms of service will receive a one-week suspension after the first offense, and a complete ban from the Retromags archives after a second.

Moderators: Please continue to check your individual forums for group discussions concerning downloads of new magazine content and inform us of any users attempting to subvert the system. You are all authorized to view member PM inboxes and sent messages as you see fit to enforce and police this information. Report violations to myself or E-Day as soon as you become aware of them.

Uploaders: We'll be assessing a ten-cent surcharge per magazine upload you provide to the site to help offset the storage fees. In addition, you will be assessed a one-cent-per-download tax to cover the cost of bandwidth. If a magazine you have uploaded is downloaded 12 times in one month, you will be charged twelve cents via the Paypal account information you will be required to enter and authenticate with the coming forum upgrade. With this knowledge, it may be in your best interests to provide publications of low interest, especially if you are on a fixed income. We know, it sucks, but we're paying it too so please just bear with us until we get the kinks worked out.

Within in the next 30 days, the new forum rollout with occur, and when it does you'll be required to log in via a new automated payment system that tracks downloads. Anonymous users will be allowed to browse the forums, but will be unable to download content until they have upgraded via the new log-in process.

We at Retromags want to thank you for your continued patronage, and we know you'll understand why these unfortunate measures have become necessary.



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I'm new to this site and was looking for some form rules when I cane across this story. Thought it was legit and was starting to write a request for a possible yearly subscription for an all you can download member.

Glad this was a 4/1 joke... sheesh.

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As cute as this was for an april fools joke, maybe it would be a good idea to take that down now from the main page.

As a brand spanking new member to this site (just signed up about 5 min ago) I read that and almost left the site immediately. It was just by chance that I saw a link to see what other people were saying.

Awesome april fools joke. Poor thing to have as your home page.

Just my 2 cents on the topic.

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