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Fixing up the Advertisement Section


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  • Retromags Curator

While I am in the process of fixing the download section of Retromags, I simply can not ignore the current condition of the Advertisement section. So I am slowly going through that section of the forums and trying to make it easier. To that end, I have created two new bulletin board codes. Instead of hard coding what is written in those posts, I have made it so that it is dynamically generated. Simply put, if at some point down the line we wish to change the color of the text, or links...we can change it in the back end of the website and it will change all of the posts in that section.

The First BBCode, Generates the header

notice it auto centers

[ads]Sonic The Hedgehog[/ads]


Retromags Presents! Sonic The Hedgehog

The Second BBCode, Generates Outbound Links to Ebay/Amazon

notice it auto centers

[duli]Sonic The Hedgehog Genesis[/duli]


Check Prices Search Amazon / Search eBay

So why 2 separate codes? Well sometimes the "official" game title can be too generic. Take for example "BeetleJuice", it was an NES game...but also a movie. So for the outbound links we would use "BeetleJuice NES". This way the search results are more accurate for people clicking through. Now considering that there are 900+ advertisements that need to be fixed...its going to take me a bit of time. So if anyone wants to lend a hand with the rewriting of that section, please let me know. If anyone is putting new advertisements into that section, please adhere to the new way above. The 2 BBCodes above will automatically center, so from now on...this should be the template you are using for new Adverts.


Which will create....


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  • Retromags Curator

Awesome work, Philly! I'll change out the template I'd been using to this new one.

I've been having horrible connectivity issues with my internet lately, which is why I haven't been around doing much of anything for the past month. When the wiki got taken offline, it broke a ton of the images, so I'm trying to find and re-upload those ads. Lots of work ahead there too. :)



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  • Retromags Curator
  On 6/5/2012 at 4:21 PM, Areala said:

Awesome work, Philly! I'll change out the template I'd been using to this new one.

I've been having horrible connectivity issues with my internet lately, which is why I haven't been around doing much of anything for the past month. When the wiki got taken offline, it broke a ton of the images, so I'm trying to find and re-upload those ads. Lots of work ahead there too. :)



Hey Areala,

I can provide the images that were on the Wiki, if that helps. I believe they are on a backup somewhere around here. Right now I am working my way through the NES section right now. Fixing the broken images and making sure each post looks like this at the end.




Do you have other variations of this advertisement? Feel free to submit them in this thread!Conversations about this game or advertisement are also welcome in this thread [/center]

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 6/4/2012 at 8:35 PM, Phillyman said:

So if anyone wants to lend a hand with the rewriting of that section, please let me know. If anyone is putting new advertisements into that section, please adhere to the new way above.

If you still need help, I'm happy to offer. Also, I'd love to post some ads, but it doesn't give me permission to do so. I can go through my comic collection to find ads that weren't featured in gaming mags.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 7/8/2012 at 11:49 PM, Mark1976 said:

Just new to this forum, but realized during browsing through the advertisements, some do not display the image.

Not sure if my settings are wrong somehow.

Nope, it's not you. Some of the images were lost or at least links were broken in one of the previous forum updates.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, I am new to Retromags, I really like what they are doing, and want to abide by their rules.

Rule: In order to have 1 download a day you have to have 1 post.

I have made 1 post. Do I have a download a day? Nope, I still don't have permission to download any mag.

Also tried to upload a magazine. Upload limit. 1 Kb. That kinda limits things down to....1kb.

So, anyone who is reading this, please give me a quick update on how to proceed.

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