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Thoughts on the Wii U @ E3 2012?

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I seem to have a love/hate relationship with Nintendo. I've owned every other Nintendo home console, had the SNES, skipped the N64, got the Gamecube, passed the Wii. Like fate I seem drawn to the Wii U. It seems like a evolution of the DS mechanic, using the tv as the second screen. My concern is that Nintendo had not been known for their online service compared with the competition, they are going to have to knock that one out the park.

What's others thoughts on the Wii U and the presentation the big N gave at E3?

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Their presentation was lackluster. I was very disappointed in it after some pretty great ones the previous three years. Then I realized that next year both Sony and Microsoft will probably showing their new consoles, so Nintendo is probably saving all their big games for next year for a presentation flood.

As for the Wii U, I already have four games pre-ordered, so obviously I am very keen on it. I was amazed at that video they showed last year at E3, and this year they announced several games that caught my interest. The main one is New Super Mario Bros. U. While it's not groundbreaking or seemingly that different than New Super Mario Bros. Wii, I realize that they've had limited time to work on it. Plus NSMBW was the best Mario game I played since Super Mario World. So even if I don't get the Wii U at launch (this would be due to price), I'll get one once I have the money for it.

The Wii is what got me back into gaming, and the Wii U seems to have lit a fire under me to play the games I currently have so that I can jump into the Wii U when I get one.

So in summary: E3 presentation wasn't great, excited about the Wii U :)

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Besides Nintendo's presentation, all 3 console conferences were boring at best. E3 this year was terrible. The new releases and new technologies were uninspired. Titles were mostly sequels and shooters, hardly anything original. As for Wii U, all we saw were games from Nintendo, Ubisoft, and Warner Bros. The Big N needs to have more third-party support, especially from the Japanese community. It's a Japanese company for Pete's sake. The titles that I look forward to on Wii U are New Super Mario Bros U and ZombiU. Nintendo Land concept seems interesting with fun online, coop play from Nintendo's selection of great games and characters. Finally, we need a definite price and launch date. The Wii U is coming out this Fall. They need to stop holding back the good stuff and at least show all the launch titles. My guess is that they will announce more info at the Tokyo Game Show this Fall.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think the Wii U will do well. I was impressed by it and I think the Wii U's touchpad is better than the PSVita. I am pretty excited to see how far Nintendo is going to take the the system and its peripherals. I think the Wii U's multiplayer is going to be pretty awesome. I'm going to get a PS 4 and Wii U if possible. I don't expect too much innovation from Sony's and Microsoft's upcoming offerings, just much more power maybe better peripherals. The Wii U will wow. Nintendo rarely disappoints. Even it's failures are successes compared to other companies.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ZombiU looks pretty amazing!! That is one of the first games I'm getting, but I still have my doubts, Wii was pretty awesome at first but it's innovation quickly became boring, the important factor in this generation for Nintendo is third party support, hope Nintendo learned from Wii.

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  • 1 month later...

I have nothing to say about the exhibition of the system. I just wanted to say that I think "Wii U" is the worst name that has ever been bestowed upon a console. Not only is it derivitive (of the Wii, obviously), but it makes no sense and just sounds dumb.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I have everything else from them so this too will find its way to my collection someday. Even if just for their first party titles. But the big question is, when? Will I see a deal I don't want to miss? Will there be a huge sale on new launch games like the Vita had? Will I conquer enough of the backlog to want to add yet another to the pile? I said no on the Vita up until a week before launch so you never know. At the moment I'm not planning on preordering or waiting in line. I almost never PO anyway, rather shop for the best deal rather than guarantee an expensive sale.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

A few weeks ago I found one at TrU. I was on the GS waitlist but they took too long. Anyway I bought Mario and might get Rabbids and Scribble if I find a sale. Waiting for the new Rayman and then we'll see what else they release. I haven't opened it yet, thought I'd not spoil my Xmas gift to myself and it would force me to try and reduce the huge ass backlog I have of Wii, PS3, DS, 3DS, and Vita games. I buy WAY too much thanks to all the sales...

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