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The Humble Indie Bundle V (Pay What You Want Deal)


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The Humble Indie Bundle V is awesome. You get 8 Indie PC Games for any price. That's right, you set the price because the money you donate can be given to the game developers, Child's Play charity (video games for kids to play while in the hospital), and The Humble Bundle team themselves for making this possible. It's your choice how you split the donated amount among those three. You can give all to charity or to the developers if you want.

The best part is that all the games are fun and highly rated. You also get the Steam version of the games if you pay more than $1.00. The games are compatible cross platform (PC, Mac, and Linux). You can't go wrong with this deal.

Here are the 8 games at a glance:

  1. Superbrothers: Sword & Sorcery EP
  2. Limbo
  3. Amnesia: The Dark Descent
  4. Psychonauts
  5. Bastion
  6. Lone Survivor
  7. Braid
  8. Super Meat Boy

You only have 4 days and 19 hours left to buy this bundle as of this posting.

Go to http://www.humblebundle.com to get it now. 75px-Invader%20%28Custom%29.png

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