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Wreck it Ralph Movie


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Must have been a legal nightmare licensing all those different characters, especially Bowser. Nintendo has become pretty picky since those disasters in the early to mid 90s.

My thoughts exactly when I watched that trailer. I mean, Capcom? Nintendo? Wow. Disney must've had quite a pull.

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Wikipedia has the following cameos listed:

•Bowser from Super Mario Bros.

•Dr. Eggman (aka Dr. Ivo Robotnik) from Sonic the Hedgehog

•Q*Bert, Coily the Snake, Slick and Ugg from Q*bert

•Kano and Smoke from Mortal Kombat

•Chun-Li and Cammy from Street Fighter II

•Neff from Altered Beast

•Paperboy from Paperboy

They left out Clyde from Pac-Man for some reason. I figure Nintendo and the other companies weren't too worried since it is Disney, and the fact that the movie is part of it's list of theatrical releases that include classics like Cinderella and The Lion King. The companies probably wanted to give approval for whatever their characters were goign to say or do, and how they looked, but Disney knows how to do it right.

Reading up on it I learned that a new Mickey Mouse movie is in the works too, and I am VERY excited about that.

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I saw the trailer for Wreck-It Ralph before Brave not too long ago and I was immediately sold. Seeing all of the video game villains together and banter is both hilarious and nostalgic for me, but aside from the cameos, I love the premise and visually it looks just as good as any Pixar movie.

It blows my mind that Kano, a character from the ultra-violent Mortal Kombat franchise, is in a Disney movie. That's crazy!

Can't wait to see it.

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I'm definitely going to need to see this when it comes out. It'll be worth it just for all of the cameos. Also, I would -totally- play Fix-it Felix if they actually made it into a game. Make this happen, Disney.

The arcade game in the movie is actually playable, on facebook at this link https://apps.facebook.com/wreckitralph/?fb_source=search&ref=ts

Gets tough around level 5.

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  • 4 months later...

I actually saw the movie the day I said I was, but am only just now getting around to posting my own thoughts. I'm glad that so many other people went to see it and enjoyed it! I had a good time, but unfortunately probably didn't like it as much as everyone else.

We rushed to make the the 4:10 showing, only for it to be sold-out. We decide to come back at 7:00, but as we didn't pre-order tickets (my girlfriend suggested it, but I dismissed it as unnecessary) we were faced with another sell-out. We ended up paying for the 3D showing, which was already well into the Paper Man short.

Bearing that in mind, it took me a little time to ease into the movie and enjoy it for what it was. I really came out of it expecting more, but satisfied. It felt like a very focused story we were looking at, much like how the original Toy Story feels in comparison to its sequels. It just seemed as if so much more was going on in the arcade world that we just were not seeing. I imagine the potential sequel will be much more large-scale.

I will say that I was disappointed that the entire opening to the movie turned out to be the trailer we had already seen. I really liked that trailer, but it felt lazy in that they were showing the best part. Most of the film's funniest jokes were also in the available trailers.

John C. Reilly did his role well. It took some time for me to adjust to Sarah Silverman, as I really do not like her, but in the end I warmed-up to the character.

I really liked the ending, although I felt that the reveal of

Turbo as King Candy

was a little left-field. There just wasn't enough foreshadowing for you to really expect it, or perhaps I'm just dense. I had also hoped that the film would end with the announcement of "Wreck-It Ralph Country" or some such to hint at a sequel film, but that didn't happen. Who knows what direction the actual sequel will take.

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