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Offloading almost my entire collection, maybe even for free (not including S&H)


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Hi everyone, long time no post (school and work kept me busy these last few years) I tried to look up my old posts to see what I posted and apparently they were deleted (or I didn't see them), so anyway....

For the real reason I'm posting (after all this time) I just moved back home after moving out west for a job and now am going through my stuff for a potential move within the year (when I get the new job and have to consider moving out and getting closer to work) and well one of the first things that'll go is my magazines (sadly). :(

Certain issues will stay (older ones that I liked and I have fond memories of or useful information in them and others that I might keep a hold of) otherwise everything is up for grabs. So strategy guides, older Nintendo Power, Tips and Tricks, and some OPM are going to be kept as well as other odds and ends.

I woulda put it into the buy, sell, trade section but as you can see I didn't make it to 25 posts in 3 years :oops: heh,(mods feel free to move it there if you want).

So even though it would be nice to get a few bucks for them, right now I'm asking shipping only and they really need to go by the box (the nearest town is 8 miles away and money is tighter than I'd like it to be to make multiple trips town to send these off.

I'd like for them to go to a good home and eventually be scanned and put onto the site, otherwise they will be put to the torch and I really can't give anymore than 1-2 week tops to unload them, short notice which I apologize for, but they seriously need to go they are all on the floor right now and 10 large boxes take up a lot of room. If I were to guess I'd say there are 500+ sitting here.

Now for the fun part what I have. (unless otherwise noted it is one issue)

**Note some of these might be pulled as I look them over and see if I'm keeping one or two of them, but I'm posting here so people can see what I have, and I can gauge interest**

Boot - Jan-July 1997, Oct 1997, Jan. 1998, May 1998

Computer Gaming World - Jan. 1997

EGM - Nov. 1999-Jan. 2006, Feb 2006-Sept 2007

EGM 2004 Holiday Game Guide

Gamefan - May 2000

GameNow - July 2002

Gamepro - Vol2 No.7-9, Jan.-June 1992, Aug.-Sept 1992, Nov.-Dec 1992, April 1994, July 1995, Sept 1995, Oct. 1995, Nov. 1995-Sept.1999, Oct 1999- July 2005, Aug 2005-Nov 2006

Game Developer - Dec/Jan 1997 (1 issue)

Game Informer - Vol. 109, 111, 167-178 (I have the old Funco versions, will be keeping those as well)

Gamer's Republic - March-June 2000

Incite PC Gaming - Dec 1999-Mar. 2000

Incite Video Gaming - Dec 1999-Mar. 2000

Maximum PC - Jan 1999, Dec 1999

Netpro - July 1997

Next Generation - Feb 1999

Nintendo Power - Vol 111-194 (there are older ones but I'm keeping them and the Pokemon Advance Inserts are missing as I removed them and will be keeping them)

Official Playstation Magazine - May 1998, Aug. 1999-June 2000, July 2000- Jan. 2007 (End of magazine to cancelation)

PC Accelerator - Oct 1999, Nov 1999

PC Gamer - Sept. 1996-Dec 1997, Jan. 1998-Nov. 2001, Dec. 2001 - June 2007

PC Gamer Ultimate Hardware Bible - Fall 1999

PC Games - Jan 1997, Feb 1997, April 1997, June 1997, Oct 1997

PC Zone - Feb.-April 1997

Polygon - Jan. 2004

PSM - April 2003 and Feb.-Dec. 2007 (last issue, renamed PToM next issue which was Holiday 2007)

Playstation the Official Magazine - Holiday 2008-Current (might keep some of these)

Misc. - Lots of posters from OPM about 2-3 years worth

So there you have it, (an almost) complete list of my collection, if someone out there is interested let me know. (PM me or post here, either way)

How I want to work it is by the box (if possible), (hence why I separated it like I did above since that's how they are in the boxes now) and I'd do for shipping only, if singles are wanted then I'd like to sell them to at least get gas and shipping to send them off. If someone wants to donate above and beyond shipping, that is appreciated too, I'll take it case by case and see how things go.

If someone lives around St. Louis area and wants to come on out and pick them up, that's an option too.

So, PM me for details or if there is any interest and I'll check back on this thread for at least 2 weeks (until July 1 anyway if not the 4th) and see if there are any takers and if anything can get worked out.


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If you need the money, I would suggest selling most if not all of them on Ebay. Make the auction start really low like $0.99 or a few bucks so you will get more bids for them. Bundle the less known magazines with the popular ones so that you can get rid of the mags people may not be interested in. Are they in nice condition though? If so, I would consider getting your Nintendo Power collection if you want.

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The NP's are in really nice condition, read once and other than the ones that had the Pokemon Advance content are complete. I would like to make a little from them, but that's not the main goal, which is to find good homes for them all, and avoid torching them if I can.

If you are interested in the NP's PM me and we'll talk about getting those to you.

Everything else is in pretty decent shape, my older (no spine) Gamepro's have seen better days some covers torn loose, but overall a really nice collection as I looked and read most of them one time and then they were put in a box where most have been or 10 years or better. I'd just like to get them to people who'd like them, scan them up and get them on Retromags eventually, as I have even less time to devote to it then I had 3 years ago when I joined up.

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I'm interested in all of the PC Games, all of the Incites, and the earlier PC Gamer issues (everything through 2001 or so).

I can't guarantee scanning will happen, but everything in my collection will end up in a researcher-accessible archive eventually (I've already spoken to Stanford and the Library of Congress about it, they're both interested), if that helps!

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OK, 2 PM's sent and reply's received looks like ctophil has dibs on the NP's and Kiwi Arcader is getting the Gamer's Republic, PSM and PC Gamers and other's he's asking for, and Red Eye will get PC Games and Incite, since the PC Gamers are already spoken for, I'll PM them both and The Red Eye about moving further along.

I'm looking at sending everything out in one go, probably the 5th of July or around there, and will decide on how we're going to figure out how much shipping costs before then.

Anyone who's sent these before have an educated guess as to how heavy / expensive a 6 gallon water box full of magazines costs to ship via UPS?

The vast majority of what's left is Gamepro, OPM, PtoM and EGM, anyone interested in those?

PM's inbound for The Red Eye and as soon as I hear more on shipping cost to everyone again. Cheers.

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EGM, Gamepro, Game Informer, Gamer's Republic, Incite, Netpro, Nintendo Power, PC Gamer (hope I didn't miss any) have all been spoken for, by everyone above.

That leaves some odds and ends, I'm taking Next Generation off the table, and there was a Diehard Gamefan I missed, but that stays too (Vagrant Story coverage) ;-) since I think they were nicely written magazines.

So that just leaves Official Playstation Magazine (OPM), and Playstation the Official Magazine (not sure how many of these later ones I'll part with, if any), as the main ones but the OPM's can and need to go. I think they're pretty much all in one box, so that'll be fairly easy to ship. And if anyone has any interest in the oddball magazines lemme know otherwise I might tuck some away to fill empty boxes and what not to those getting all of the other ones.

And as I PM'ed all of those interested, I'm looking at UPS right now as the main carrier, I'll look to see what shipping costs might run and can start gettings things ready for when they're to go.

If there are any takers for what's left let me know.

And other than KiwiArcader (since he already did), can everyone else send me zip codes or where things are going so in case I need the informaiton I have it handy.


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Sorry for the lack of updates, been busy with finalizing my move back home and taking care of a massive spring cleaning of which the magazines are a not so small part of.

There's still a week for me to figure out what I'm going to do with them, will get some idea of shipping price if I'm going that direction, my only concern there is boxing, packing, and then getting them to the shipping location, I might move to plan B or C, so stay tuned, but otherwise things are on progress for the original direction.

There's been one change in the magazines and I will PM the person who if affects, my nephew chimed up and decided he wanted them, so my apologies for that, but I'd like to make this easier on myself, and that makes it a lot easier on me. After I get all of my things cleaned up, reorganized and in some semblence or order then I'll look into the boxing and shipping price, so as per plan about sometime next week I'll start getting information out to those interested. When you have to go through 35 years of stuff, it takes awhile. ;-)

Will be back when I know something or have an update.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm a newbie here, so still not able to post new topic yet but will jump in when I can. I think you mentioned that the EGM's were gone but in the off chance there were not all gone let me know. I had a house fire a couple years ago and lost it all ... a small but important part of it all was all my magazine collections from 95-2001. I'm looking to replace the years of 97-99 especially. The EGM's, EGM2/Expert Gamer, and PSM's. Some of the Gamepro perhaps too. Thanks,

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Hey everyone sorry about the delay with any update, things have been hectic the last few weeks with a possilble new job on the horizon, finishing up my spring cleaning, etc.

Well I do have news, but not great news for those who were interested in my books, they're mostly all out of the house now, but were taken to the place my Mom works and she said she'd try selling them bit by bit, as I wasn't enamored with the hassle to deal with them anymore and shipping them all to folks here that would take care of them (while a more worthwhile plan and something I would have preferred to do) jusy wasn't logisitically possible or feasible time wise.

So I hope everyone who was interested can accept my apology for dragging this on and for the disappointment from me backing out on sending them to everyone. That's why I didn't soliciate any shipping funds until it was all cut and dry and I was 100% on what I wanted to do, and I didn't want that being an issue.

So I appreciated all of the interest and hope everyone here can forgive the letdown I've caused, if it was an easier thing to do and move 20 years worth of books then this would have been taken care of and they'd be in good homes now, but it was a beast to get them out to the van as it was and something I didn't relish doing when I had to then repack and ship them off.

I just wanted to let everyone know what was going on and not have them think I just abandoned this without some closure on what happened. Thanks again for the offers of help to preserve my collection. Cheers. :)

I'm a newbie here, so still not able to post new topic yet but will jump in when I can. I think you mentioned that the EGM's were gone but in the off chance there were not all gone let me know. I had a house fire a couple years ago and lost it all ... a small but important part of it all was all my magazine collections from 95-2001. I'm looking to replace the years of 97-99 especially. The EGM's, EGM2/Expert Gamer, and PSM's. Some of the Gamepro perhaps too. Thanks,

I wish I could help, like I said they're still out there (mostly) but the reason I changed my mind for shipping them all is the logistic nightmare of sending them all of, if it was a possibility for people to come and get them in person, that would have worked perfectly, but alas it's not possible. Sorry for your loss.

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I just wanted to let everyone know what was going on and not have them think I just abandoned this without some closure on what happened. Thanks again for the offers of help to preserve my collection. Cheers. :)

No worries. I was just checking when I asked. I can't imagine trying to ship and divide up the hundreds I used to have boxed up in my closets. I'm stuck trying to find an auction that doesn't go up to crazy prices or praying for a local guy that is just trying to get rid of some things for space. I've given up trying to replace everything ... just looking for those crucial gaming years of my teens of 96-97. Good luck to ya

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