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Games That Need a Sequel!


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I'm sure everbody know's how this goes. List games you think deserve a sequel.

I'll start

1. Shenmue - The story simply needs an ending!

2. Vectorman - If done in vein of Super Metroid, this game can sell

3. Rival Schools/ Project Justice- Capcom needs another key fighter other than Street Fighter. (at least a rerelease would shut me up!)

4. Jet Set Radio - I have yet to meet a person who doesnt like this franchise. GET ON IT SEGA!

5. Alien Soldier - I would love an HD update to this obscure title.

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1. Bully - A more recent game - a college setting with the same style and humor as the first game would make me happy.

2. Mega Man Legends - I was bummed that MML3 got cancelled, but I'm still gonna keep wishing for another game, or at least an HD remake of 1 & 2.

3. Tomba! - I know there's already Ratchet and Sly Cooper, but I've always liked the Tomba! games.

4. Oddworld - The Oddworld Quintology needs to be complete! Apparently they're totally gonna make a new game, but you never know...

5. Threads of Fate - Perhaps an HD remake, Square? I'm glad the original is on PSN though.

6. Darkstalkers - Capcom needs to take a break with Street Fighter and make an updated version of Darkstalkers, a la Street Fighter IV.

7. Jumping Flash! - I'd love to see another game on the PS3 or even the Vita, though maybe not as easy.

8. Jet Moto - Even though the series went on a downward slope by Jet Moto 3 (IMO), we need more of this style of racing game today.

9. Bushido Blade - Very underrated fighting game that deserves another sequel.

10. Incredible Crisis - More of a guilty pleasure than anything. It would be fun to play the mini-games with online and co-op.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am probably going to get jumped for this, but... Mario 64.

I have always felt that we haven't yet seen the true successor to Mario 64. The original was rushed to market so as to be a launch title. This left room for a sequel to contain all of the ideas and levels that the developers didn't have time to include in the original. Sunshine was fun but very different. As were the two Galaxy games. The mechanics were similar but the experience was not. I would love a mario 64 sequel with many more worlds to explore in 3D and a more complex castle as the branching off point for those worlds.

I've been waiting 15 years for that game, and counting...

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Also Lylat Wars/Starfox 64. I think that would have made a great trilogy story. The end of that game kind of reminds me of Star Wars episode IV. A sequel (I am excluding the starfox games that came out later, as they were not 'true' sequels) could have expanded the story and set it up for a huge climactic battle in the third game. Not very original I know, but it could have been interesting. :)

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The Guardian Legend. More than any other game in history, I would kill to have a good sequel to this one. It'll never happen because nobody knows who the hell owns the rights to the franchise (developer Compile shut their doors a long time ago, and US Publisher Broderbund killed off their games division back in 2003), but I'd love to see that one reborn.

Final Fantasy VI HD. Everybody moans about wanting to see Final Fantasy VII remade in HD. Screw everybody: I want to see the most badass RPG in Squaresoft's history remade with today's graphics. Give me Final Fantasy VI on my PS3 and nobody gets hurt. :)

Know who hasn't had a release in years? Battletoads. Let's bring back the bad boys from frogdom and let 'em kick some booty all over again.

Beyond Good & Evil. If any game ever demanded a sequel, this game did. It's one of the greatest 3D platformers ever made, with a killer story that ends on a cliffhanger, so of course nobody bought it and Ubisoft shelved any thoughts of doing another one. Screw you, all of you FPS gamers who failed to support this title when it was first released. I WANT MORE JADE!!

And, as long as I'm dreaming, how about some Sierra loving? Laura Bow, Phantasmagoria, and Gabriel Knight have all been without new entries for far too long. :)



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TGL: Yes, I decided to give it a shot one day and was instantly hooked.

FF6: Hopefully we at least get 5&6 on the 3DS, like has been rumored for some time.

Battletoads: hm, still too difficult in spots for me, but making it easier to draw more players would tick off the hardcore fans.

Sierra: Yes, yes yes. Too bad Vivendi has been just squatting on the rights for a decade or so... well better that than what they did to the LSL name, not only squatting but also shatting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would have to say Monster Party. That was one of my most favorite games for the NES. A very strange, surreal, and bizarre journey of a game. Looking at various screenshots I've seen online scanned from old Japanese gaming magazines of the original unreleased (sadly) Japanese version of Monster Party (Called "Parody World: Monster Party"), it looked even more strange than the version we got. A sequel to that game, in any form, would definitely make me happy.

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  • 1 year later...
  On 7/26/2012 at 8:37 AM, Eteponge said:

I would have to say Monster Party. That was one of my most favorite games for the NES. A very strange, surreal, and bizarre journey of a game. Looking at various screenshots I've seen online scanned from old Japanese gaming magazines of the original unreleased (sadly) Japanese version of Monster Party (Called "Parody World: Monster Party"), it looked even more strange than the version we got. A sequel to that game, in any form, would definitely make me happy.

I have heard of this but never played it. Looking at the screen shots it looks very funny and entertaining to play. I don't quite grasp the concept of the game though. haha

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  • 1 year later...

Nobody will support me on this, but I use to love an old NES game called Vegas Dream.  It was a Casino game, but with some added flavor.  Strangers would approach you and depending on your luck and how you responded, they would cost you money or make you money.  I always wanted to see a game like that which a little more complexity.  Of course there was Vegas Stakes for the SNES, but that game didn't have all the features that Vegas Dream had.  It's time for a sequel!

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  On 11/13/2016 at 8:52 PM, lepkeleh said:

Besides Shenmue and Shinobi, of course.

The real streets of rage and final fight, the


Fighting Force got a sequel...unfortunately it was terrible.  Core Design was in the process of making a third game in the series when Eidos closed them down after Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness failed to meet sales projections. No telling what that third game would have looked like, but I think it would have done better than Fighting Force 2 if they'd actually given you more than one character to choose from. :)




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  On 11/14/2016 at 12:44 AM, Areala said:

Fighting Force got a sequel...unfortunately it was terrible.  Core Design was in the process of making a third game in the series when Eidos closed them down after Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness failed to meet sales projections. No telling what that third game would have looked like, but I think it would have done better than Fighting Force 2 if they'd actually given you more than one character to choose from. :)




I didn't know any of that, thanks :)

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  • 2 months later...

PictoBits - Received this as a Club Nintendo bonus.  Fun little reflex-puzzle game with an 8-bit retro Nintendo skin - think a mash-up of Tetris DS and Quarth with stylus controls.  Sadly overlooked as it was only released as digital-only DSiWare, apparently.  Would love to see a sequel fleshed out with more modes, more everything, and released on some physical medium.  I'm going to seriously miss this game should my 3DS ever expire.

Ristar - an underrated Sega Genesis gem!  A Game Gear version exists but is more handheld port than sequel.  Ristar deserves to be back in action - great potential for a sequel.

Burning Rangers - I'd be happy with a high-fidelity remake on a modern system as the Saturn struggled with this one.  Fun with a unique sci-fi firefighter theme, this game is woefully underappreciated.  (Though - considering aftermarket prices - I can see why.  No one can afford it.)

Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes.  My wife loves this game and would like to see this puzzle-themed M&M off-shoot continue.  If you've played titles like Puzzle Quest and Puzzle & Dragons, this is similar but also different enough to stand on its own.  I think it relies a little too heavily on luck but is still fun and we've yet to find anything else quite like it.  (For that matter, where's Puzzle Quest 3?)

Metroid - speaking to the franchise as a whole, I'd like to see a new, official 2D Metroid title from Nintendo.  Or HD remakes of existing 2D games.  It might even make some financial sense - Nintendo seems spooked by Metroid sales so why not save some cash by simply re-skinning what has worked already, throw it out there as a physical compilation with some marketing behind it, and let a new generation discover the series.

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The closest we're likely to get is "Scott Pilgrim: The Game", but I'd love to see an HD remake/update of "River City Ransom". There were a slew of the Kunio-kun series released in Japan on both the Famicom and Super Famicom that never made it here. Also, while the GBA River City Ransom EX is awesome, that's on a handheld. Give me something I can set up in my living room so I can have friends over and bash them in the face with trash cans and wooden crates on my big screen, please. :)


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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 2/1/2017 at 8:42 PM, Areala said:

The closest we're likely to get is "Scott Pilgrim: The Game", but I'd love to see an HD remake/update of "River City Ransom". There were a slew of the Kunio-kun series released in Japan on both the Famicom and Super Famicom that never made it here. Also, while the GBA River City Ransom EX is awesome, that's on a handheld. Give me something I can set up in my living room so I can have friends over and bash them in the face with trash cans and wooden crates on my big screen, please. :)



Not sure if you heard of River City Underground, but I have really high hopes for it. Looks super fun


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Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe, we need a part 2, a sequel with Mortal Kombat X super detailed graphics but keeping the 3D style to move around all the way 360 degrees across the arenas, the MK - DC crossover had a lot of potential but they ruined it with Injustice removing the Mortal Kombat characters and sticking to boring prehistoric 2D style in that game and MK9 and X.

Wave Race, the last released was Wave Race Blue Storm for the Nintendo GameCube, with need a new version even if not for Nintendo Wii-U, what I mean is one for the last generation consoles either PS4, XBox One or Wii-U but making use of the full potential of said systems with amazing graphics


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