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Nintendo Reveals 3DS XL

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The system will be called 3DS XL in the West and will retail for $199.99. It will be released on August 19th, the same day as New Super Mario Bros. 2.

The system's top screen is now 4.88 inches, while the lower screen is now 4.18 inches. Both screens will be 90% larger than on the original 3DS.


The new 3DS will have longer battery life, but an AC adapter won't be included with the system in order to keep costs down (it will be available for purchase separately). Adapters from previous Nintendo hardware will be compatible.

The system will be released in red and blue. Europe will also receive a silver option.

Nintendo notes that 3DS XL will have a battery life between 3.5 and 6.5 hours while playing 3DS games (compared to 3-5 hours for 3DS) and between 6 and 10 hours while playing DS games (compared to 5-8 hours for 3DS). The 3DS XL's battery will take approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes to charge.

Well I guess it was only a matter of time.

I mean judging by their past record with handhelds,

GB--GB light--GB pocket


DS--DS Lite


I'll probably be getting it, but not at launch.

BTW, no AC Adapter to be included with the system. Not sure I like that. :huh:

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The only games that really need a second stick are shooters, and I am glad those are lacking on handhelds. The last thing I want is every other game coming out for the 3DS to be a shooter.

And by not building one into the system, Nintendo ensures that developers and publishers will make the use of the second circle pad purely optional. Otherwise games would start coming out that make use of both circle pads, which would segment the user base as not everyone will upgrade or will want ot buy the awkward looking Circle Pad Pro.

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It feels really early for Nintendo to announce a second version of the 3DS, but hey, I'm no businessman. Regardless, I'll probably get one eventually, maybe during a Black Friday deal or something. Then again, as Nintendo's habit of cranking out different versions of their portable consoles continue, the third rendition might be even better, so I dunno...

I'm also disappointed by the lack of a second analog stick. Not that I would want to use it for shooters or anything, but mainly for in-game camera support. I'm not a fan of using the L and R buttons or even worse using the stylus to swipe across the bottom screen to do so. It's awkward. Longer battery life is always a good thing, but no AC adapter included? What? Anyway, I'll keep a close eye on it.

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Nintendo what were you thinking? You have plenty of room on the XL to add that 2nd analog stick. Darn you!!!

I know I'm going to buy this thing and I'm not happy because now I'll also have to buy a redesigned analog attachment for the XL as well.

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As I usually do I only get the first of any product line since the revisions hardly add much and don't offer a new library. I went from the original GB to the GBA, then to the SP because I wanted a backlight (that was a substantial upgrade), onto the DS and then 3DS. An hour of extra battery isn't enough to switch.

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