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Areala's Confessions: Which Videogame Character Would You Sleep With?


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They say confession is good for the soul, so it's time to get all your dirty thoughts out of your head and into the open where they can be discussed and, if necessary, mocked mercilessly.

You've got one choice here, just one. No multi-part answers, no gang-bangs, no second place, no runners up, just one character from any video game of your choice. Assume he/she/it is real. And wants you. Who do you do? (What you would do with him/her is probably best left un-elaborated upon). Explain why this character is your pick. Provide a picture if you're so inclined, especially if you're claiming a character most people are unlikely to know.

One final rule: once someone has claimed a character in this thread, NO ONE ELSE MAY CLAIM THAT CHARACTER. A dozen people all saying "Lara Croft" or "Nathan Drake" is boring, so use your imagination. :)

And since I'm starting the topic, I'm claiming my turf before anyone else can with...


Rayne from Bloodrayne

What's not to love? Rayne's half-vampire, which means she's got energy to go all night (and convincing her to sleep all day afterwards won't be a problem). She's a red-head, which is just yummy. And that voice...oh my goodness, that voice which sounds like cat purrs mixed with crushed Sweet Tarts and energy drink to my burning ears...

So, don't be shy retro-denizens. Come to Areala's Confessional, and bare your soul.



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I think Balthier from FF XII is pretty hot. Loved his accent in the game and his story. The game would have been a lot better if the developers had followed Fran and Balthier around instead of R2D2 and CP30 -- uh, I mean, Vaan and Penelo.


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I would have to say Rinoa from Final Fantasy VIII. She has that cute, playful look that just speaks to me. Although the 3rd worst game in the series (1st & 2nd place goes to FF 13 & 12, respectively), I'd play it again just for her. lol.



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