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Nintendo Power magazine to cease publication


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UPDATE: Nintendo Power senior editor Chris Hoffman seemed to confirm our source's information on Twitter, saying that he was "sad to see it go" and that the editorial team would "try to make the last issues memorable." Nintendo Power writer Phil Theobald, meanwhile, promised on Twitter that they had "something pretty sweet planned for the final issue." [Further update: It seems the tweets in question have been deleted after publication.]


Gamers of a certain age likely remember the days when their main fix of information about new and upcoming video games came in the form of the monthly Nintendo Power magazine that was delivered directly to their mailbox. That experience is set to become yet another relic of a past era, as Ars Technica has learned that Future Publishing is planning to stop publishing the magazine.

Nintendo Power is one of the longest-running game magazines in the country, having been published continuously since the summer of 1988, when it started as a bi-monthly outgrowth of the previous Nintendo Fun Club newsletter. Nintendo produced and distributed the magazine (with articles that were often just thinly veiled marketing copy) from 1989 through late 2007, when it started contracting the brand out for a more independent angle from tech-and-game-focused Future Publishing.

But our source says that Nintendo, which was always "difficult to work with," was uninterested in renewing that contract or in taking part in a number of digital initiatives that Future saw as necessary for the long-term health of the brand. He added that Nintendo doesn't seem interested in taking over direct control of the magazine again (Nintendo and Future representatives did not immediately respond to a request for comment for this story).

Nintendo Power editors and staffers were told of the magazine's impending shuttering last week, the source said, and are currently being transitioned to work on other Future properties, including GamesRadar and MacLife magazine. The move should not affect Future's other gaming magazines, which include official periodicals for the PlayStation and Xbox brands, as well as Best Buy's @Gamer.

It's unclear exactly how many more issues of Nintendo Power are planned after the recently published August issue (its 281st), or how current subscribers will be compensated. Nintendo Power enjoys a total monthly readership of 475,000, according to Future press materials.

Nintendo Power's shuttering comes during a time of continuing struggles for the US magazine industry, which saw overall circulation numbers decline 10 percent in the first half of 2012. Gamers have increasingly come to rely on online sources for more timely and less space-limited gaming coverage, leading the venerable GamePro magazine to stop publishing late last year after 23 years in print.

There is at least one bright spot in the world of printed game magazines. Game Informer rose to become the third most popular magazine in the country this year, with nearly 6 million subscribers that were mostly gained through its point-of-sale relationship with mega-retailer GameStop.


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Well, I did see this coming early this year when rumors circulated around the internet that even Nintendo Power will be closing doors soon. Now it has happened. The only things really left are Game Informer and perhaps @Gamer as multi-console video game magazines, both sponsored by corporate giants, Gamestop and Best Buy, respectively. Anything else will have to die. EGM is already out the door in my honest opinion. EGM issues are sporadic at best. July/August issue is still no where to be seen even if it's late August now. Sigh....I grieve even more than the death of Gamepro last year and many other video game magazines in the past.

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Come on, at least make it to 300!

Seriously though, I still remember getting Dragon Warrior with my subscription. Best. Incentive. Ever!

I hope RM unlocks allowed scanning all the way to the end, or even up to 2007 to start, with another years unlocked every year. I'd be happy to donate some issues to the cause.

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Nintendo Power was the gaming magazine I had the most fun reading recently. Now that they will be gone, who's left? Game Informer? They're decent, but I never dove into an issue of that magazine the way I did with Nintendo Power. I don't know what is going on with EGM, but they were never my favourite.

Maybe I'll just win the lottery so I can buy the publishing rights. That's perfectly reasonable.

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That sucks. I've been getting issues since I got my Wii. Never had a sub before then, all my really early mags were saved from friends getting rid of them. Have a mint issue #1 too. Sure it isn't like the old days and most mags are similar now as far as news and reviews. Still it was nice to have something to read when I needed to get away from the laptop.

This and PTOM are the only mags I care about. Only reason I get GI is because you can't refuse it when subscribing to GS's card program. I wish they focused on Nin and Sony rather than waste pages on M$, mobile garbage, or non-gaming advertising.

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  On 8/22/2012 at 2:04 AM, MegaTroopX said:

Seriously though, I still remember getting Dragon Warrior with my subscription. Best. Incentive. Ever!

That was when I signed on too. Man, I gave so many hours of my life to that game. Awesomely awesome. :)



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My first issue of Nintendo Power was Issue 127 and had an on and off subscription (Still got the magazines at the store when I didnt have a subscription) up until about two years ago I believe.

It is sad to see a magazine that has been around for 24 years just shut down after being around for so long. RIP Nintendo Power 1988-2012.

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  On 8/21/2012 at 11:58 PM, Phillyman said:

I signed up back in February just to help keep them going, looks like my subscription will not make it. I thought it was weird when Amazon.com stopped allowing you to sign up for a 1 year sub. Sad to see them go.....they will be missed!

Looks like they will finish up Nintendo Power with the December 2012 issue. So we will have 4 more issues left.

Update: Nintendo of America confirmed Nintendo Power will ship its final issue in December. The company issued the following statement:

Nintendo can confirm that Future US will end the production of Nintendo Power magazine with the last issue slated for December 2012. For Nintendo Power subscription inquiries, please visit nintendopower.com/customerservice. Check out Nintendo at nintendo.com, on Facebook at facebook.com/nintendo or on Twitter @nintendoamerica.

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Where the hell did my post/rant go?

This pisses me off because the magazine didn't die like others, where readership was to low. This is simply because Nintendo doesn't want to renew their license with Future. So now people who browse newsstands and who like reading magazines won't see anything there that gives Nintendo any kind of coverage. I think it's a stupid move on their part and it doesn't really make any sense, and it really pisses me off. And I don't even have the nostalgia that everyone else does because I never read it growing up. I just love reading the current issues because they are fun.

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Yeah, it seems like a very odd state of affairs. Future pays money to Nintendo for the license, not vice versa, so it's not like Nintendo is out anything if the magazine stops selling for some reason. For a company that's been around for over a century now, Nintendo sure doesn't seem to be taking the long view on this one. :(



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I had a feeling this would happen sooner than later.

I enjoyed receiving them, but honestly it was more out of the fact I have been collecting since July 1987, and FCN since issue 1 prior to that. It's by far the longest subscription I've had in my life and it's sad to see it end.

That being sad, does anyone know if they have a plan for people with years left on their subscription? For some reason I thought it was a great idea to pay for multiple years and ended up with an expiration date of October of 2016.

I would hope for a refund of the remaining issues since I don't like any of Future's other mags. I emailed them and haven't received a response and when I posted asking this on Nintendo's Facebook page it was prompty deleted.

In a related note, did EGM secretly pass on? Their customer service is in the dark (more than usual). They seem to think the April issue was the last one printed. When I told them I haven't received the July/August '12 issue they first told me they would send a new copy, then someone called me back saying it never went to print. Maybe Steve Harris forgot to pay these people and they are delirious from starvation or something.

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Yeah, I've never been more upset and outraged about a magazine in my life. You would think that Nintendo would spice up Nintendo Power since they are about to launch a new console lifespan known as the Wii U and to have exclusive coverage of it beyond regular gaming news. Older Nintendo Power subscribers are mostly hardcore gamers who have supported Nintendo since day one. I feel betrayed by Nintendo. It's the audience from back in the day that got them to their prestige today as the big 3 console makers. I grew up with Nintendo Power. It was the only game news source I had at the time before Al Gore *ahem* invented the Internet. They are making a very bad mistake. The other two console makers have their exclusive mags. But now where does Nintendo stand? Seems they are losing the battle to me.

As for EGM, the only lifeline I see they got left is http://www.egmnow.com. It updates 2-3 times a day. The http://www.egmmag.com site is pretty much dead. Issues take months to come out when they used to release it on a weekly basis. At least Nintendo Power had the sense to let people know they are shutting down and how many more issues are coming out. EGM is just fading away and shutting people into the darkness with no recourse for a refund or something.

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Glad to see Nintendo refunding. I have 4 years left so I'd rather have $80 than some other mag.

I'll end up spending it on a Retro Gamer subscription.


I called EGM again today and spoke to a woman who actually sounded like she knew what was going on with them.

She told me the July/August issue never went to print because they had "printer problems".

So now they've made issue #256 the Sep/Oct issue.

And she told me I should have had that one 2 weeks ago.. What a mess this magazine has become.

So if you guys are subbed and you want your Sep/Oct 2012 issue of "Electronic Gaming Whenever"

You better call 'em!

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What a shame. I E-mailed Nintendo Power back in January to discuss doing a 20th anniversary feature on the Super Mario Bros. movie, but never received a response.

It may have been a disinclination towards the film or perhaps they knew the magazine wouldn't last until May of next year; either way we won't get the opportunity.

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I don't think Nintendo would let them do a feature on that movie. It seems to be something they want to forget exists.

Nintendo Power has moved my remaining issues after December to Maximum PC, so I am happy about that at least. Now I will be getting MaxPC until December 2014.

I'm still mad about all this.

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