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Nintendo Power magazine to cease publication


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Forgive me if this has already been asked but in light of NP retiring and it now being late 2012, is now the right time to push ahead the cutoff year? I'd love to have at least the 2000-2005 NP's so the GBA and GameCube eras are covered, though for that you might also need 2006....

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  • Retromags Curator

Forgive me if this has already been asked but in light of NP retiring and it now being late 2012, is now the right time to push ahead the cutoff year? I'd love to have at least the 2000-2005 NP's so the GBA and GameCube eras are covered, though for that you might also need 2006....

No, it's not the right time. The magazine hasn't even ended yet. Can we at least wait until January?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Retromags Curator

That letter reminds me of how extremely pissed I am with Nintendo. It's one thing to end the magazine or not real good reason, but it's another to use the termination letter to do a bunch of self promotion for the Wii U and the online crap they want us to follow. They could have this one time just talked about the magazine instead of drawing attention to themselves.

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That letter reminds me of how extremely pissed I am with Nintendo. It's one thing to end the magazine or not real good reason, but it's another to use the termination letter to do a bunch of self promotion for the Wii U and the online crap they want us to follow. They could have this one time just talked about the magazine instead of drawing attention to themselves.

Yeah, I bet they will turn the last issue into a Wii-U fest instead of giving the magazine a proper send off.

In "semi-related" news. I recently bought a DSi-XL (for the collection).

I collect the ClubNintendo coins and liked the idea that this is worth 160 coins.

Anyway, It didn't come with a Club Nintendo PIN #. So instead of accepting the 15 pictures of the box from every angle, the original sales receipt, and serial#,

they requested that I cut off the part of the box with the UPC symbol and mail it to them.

After explaining that I bought it to collect and don't want to destroy the box, and that I have been buying Nintendo products pre-NES, they told me "Sorry, those are the rules!".

Not the best way to treat fans IMO. Losing a life long Nintendo customer over a few virtual coins that earn cheap swag.

I am glad to see the magazine end only because that means they will have to pay me $80 for the 4 years of subscription I have left. Yes, I had pre-paid for 12 years of NP magazine in advance,

but that still gets you nowhere with reps.

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I don't think the U was the focus, it was a quick blurb while they mentioned all the other ways they plan to communicate after the mag ends. Problem is I don't use FB, never touched Twit, have no clue what Instagram or Swapnote are, I don't follow anything closely on YT, and haven't heard of direct broadcasts. I just want my friggin mag...

Worse yet my sub ran out in Oct and they won't let me get the last 2 issues other than by paying newsstand prices. That's BS and I've sent them a note or two about it. On top of that I have a sub to PTOM and the price went up $5. Really? This is how they're trying to keep print media alive?

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  • 1 month later...

Wow, that does look awesome! I may have to pick this one up.

OK, i've asked in another thread if you guys were going to upload to the current issues of NP. What is your guys rule of thumb for the "latest" issue you will post? Like do you wait for the mag to be 10 years old? Just curious. The older ones are the better ones anyway. it went from an awesome stratedgy mag to basically an andvertisement for video games but i stil loved it anyway.

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