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What are your rarest prized possessions?


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I regret selling a BUNCH of games when I was younger, but luckily I managed to hold on to a few gems though-out the years. I was browsing Ebay and notice how some titles price skyrocketed. So - what games/accessories/consoles, that you currently own, are highly valuable today?

For me:

Tales of Destiny - PS

Team Buddies - PS

Dragonball GT - PS

Cubivore - GC

Gotcha Force - GC

Ultimate Muscle - GC

Pikmin 2 - GC

Gitaroo Man - PS2

Talk Man - PSP

Tech Romancer - DC

Cannon Spike - DC

Contra 3 - SNES (boxed like new)

Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt - NES (loose)

Lunar - GBA (boxed like new)

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I'm sure there are people who will put mine to shame, but my most valuable/expensive to replace would be:

Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II (PS2) - Complete in box
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PS1) - Original black label, complete
Chrono Trigger (SNES) - Complete in box
Dragon Warrior II - IV (NES) - Complete in boxes
Fatal Frame I - III (PS2) - Complete in boxes
Final Fantasy III (SNES) - Complete in box
Final Fantasy II (SNES) - Complete in box
Final Fantasy VII (PS1) - Original black label with misprint

Grandia (PS1) - Black label, complete in box
Gunstar Heroes (GEN) - Loose, but still rather expensive for some reason
Keio Flying Squadron (SCD) - Complete in box (no idea why this is so valuable, but there ya go...)
Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete (PS1) - Complete in box
Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete (PS1) - Complete in box
Magic Knights Rayearth (SAT) - Complete in box
Mega Man Legends 2 (PS1) - Complete
MUSHA (Gen) - Complete in box (I have NO idea why this is so damn valuable...got it for a song at a yard sale some years back)
ObsCure (PS2) - Complete in box
ObsCure 2: The Aftermath (PS2) - Complete in box
Phantasy Star (SMS) - Complete in box
Phantasy Star II - IV (GEN) - Complete in boxes
Popful Mail (SCD) - Complete in box
Rule of Rose (PS2) - Complete
Secret of Mana (SNES) - Complete in box
Sega Nomad with battery pack and AC adapter - Complete in box
Silent Hill 2 - 3 (PS2) - Complete in boxes
Splatterhouse 2 & 3 (GEN) - Complete in boxes
Valkyrie Profile (PS1) - Complete

I own every game in the Persona/Shin Megami Tensei series that has been released in the USA regardless of system complete with box and manuals (yes, even Persona 3 and Personal 3: FES on PS2...I bought it twice). I would not want to have to try and replace those...


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  • 2 weeks later...

I started a list then realized that it was already as big as Areala's and was only 3 of my 32 or so platforms. You can see for yourself what's rare and what isn't. I've a lot of the same games she does. Also it hasn't been updated since Feb so I gotta take new pics to include the gold Wiimote Skyward Sword, the SE's of Hyperdimension Neptunia 1&2, Uncharted 3 SE that I won, and whatever else I've acquired since. I also own a mint copy of Nin Pow #1 and other assorted odds and ends that haven't been photo'ed yet.


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  On 10/19/2012 at 4:29 AM, metroid said:

Probably Sin and Punishment complete, box and manual.Or Metroid Prime Trilogy, it seems to be rare.

I don't have too much obscure stuff.

Funny you mention that because I own the GC versions and didn't want the trilogy when it launched. When I heard it became rare I figured I'd keep an eye out. And would you believe I found it, on vacation, in a Kmart, for the normal $50 price? Sometimes you just stumble into deals. Same with Neptunia 2 on PS3. It was sold out online but there was a thing to put your name on a list in case some freed up. I forgot about it and some time later got a note saying there was a copy of the SE if I was interested. Seeing as they were $100+ on Ebay and my cost was half that (plus it was a game I wanted to play) I took the offer. A complete Tomba was on the used rack at EB years ago. $10 before the price shot up. Equally good deals at the same store for complete copies of the PS1 Lunar games.

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  • 1 month later...

I am not a superhardcore collector but I do have some things i would have to think twice if I ever did decide to sell

Contra Hard Corps Genesis

Phantasy Star SMS

Discworld PS1

Zelda Oracle of Seasons Gameboy

Interact Barracuda PS1 controller, I was told by someone on the Atari Age chat that this controller is so rare there is almost nothing on it anywhere. Including a copy of the manual which I have been looking for since I bought the thing on closeout...which turned out good and bad. Good, because it's an excellent controller. Bad, because I got it after Interact was gone and no way to get a copy of the manual. I make a deal out of that because it's programmable and it has 3 settings 2 of which I have no idea what they do. Beside I haven't a clue how to program it.

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  On 12/21/2012 at 6:04 PM, Schloss Ritter said:
Why is the SMB / Duck Hunt cart going up in value? Wasn't this a pack-in cart mass produced like crazy?

I have no idea, but it's going up in value everywhere. Five years ago, I couldn't hardly give them away at my store. Now, I slap $5 price tags on them and they still fly off the shelves.



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  On 12/22/2012 at 5:14 AM, Areala said:
I have no idea, but it's going up in value everywhere. Five years ago, I couldn't hardly give them away at my store. Now, I slap $5 price tags on them and they still fly off the shelves.



That is kinda weird. That was a pack-in along with the triple pack I have which is Mario/Duck/Track Meet. I wonder if they're being used as donor carts for repros.

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That actually makes a lot of sense, DPsx7. I wonder if it's some sort of strange supply/demand effect, where people selling the carts on Ebay noticed them selling quickly at a low price point, upped it to compensate, and thus pulled the market price up across the board completely by accident. :)


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DP is fine, it doesn't mean what most of the internet thinks it means. Ha. The name predates much of the craziness.

Weird stuff but I've seen numerous carts appearing online that clearly aren't official. There was this one site I came across some time ago offering to place ROM's of homebrew or translated JP games onto carts as long as you supplied a proper donor. I might still have the linky... Yup. http://nesreproductions.com/

That's the only reason I can think of for a price increase on so common a game. Leave it to the internet to manage to raise the price on it...

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My most prized possessions have since been sold off. Up until a few years ago, I had owned sealed, mint copies of Metroid, Ninja Gaiden 1 & 2, Metal Gear (for the NES and Tandy 1000), Castlevania 2, and the Metal Gear Solid Premium Package. Now, those are all gone. I have some unopened 3DO games as well as several NES, SNES, Genesis, 3DO, Playstation, Dreamcast, and Atari 2600 games that been played.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 10 months later...

Wow good lists!

I own alot of different systems...with the exception of a few really rare consoles

i'd say my Nes Complete in box is something id have a hard time letting go

as much as my sega gens /cd model 2 /32x in box

i have a model 1 sega gens non-tmss and model 1 cd v 1.10 i really think is neat (has amazing sound)

i have a few other systems in box but i think those consoles i listed above are the ones i like the most

As for rare? i dont think i really have anything that would be considered super duper " omg you have that" rare

not that i know of anyway, i dont have anything unopened i have a ton of games in the box but all open.

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  • 2 months later...

I owned nearly every system from the Atari 2600 through to Xbox 360. Unfortunately, I sold all of my systems to stop from being featured on Hoarders. Now when my son comes to me telling about some old system or game that he just learned about I usually respond with I used to own that game. Needless to say he gets upset that I didn't save the games for him. The positive is he has has his own room, if I still had the games they would have taken over his room.

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I'm really not a huge collector of games, I have a few select franchises I collect and that's about it. I also collect various statues that come with those expensive collector's editions, though usually I wait until I find good deals on them. Of my collection, the highest in value is my complete copy of Super Castlevania IV and my sealed, import copy of Okami HD for the PS3.

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Probably not that rare, but I have:

  • Cartridge-Only Azure Dreams for GBC
  • CIB The Legendary Starfy
  • CIB Magical Starsign
  • Bentley Compu-vision (four built in games, two built in controllers) with box (in vomitous but readable [where pieces aren't missing] condition) and wires
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  • 8 months later...

I have copies of ET and Pac-Man on the Atari 2600. My intent is to have James Rolfe (aka the Angry Video Game Nerd) autograph them one day.

I also have a copy of Tetris on Game Boy. Saving that one for an Alexey Pajitnov signing someday.

Not a game itself, but I do own a Darkstalkers arcade Marquee also.

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i don't really have anything too rare or whatever, but i value them regardless:

a Virtual Boy with about 8-9 games. all the common ones. still waiting to find a cheap copy of Jack Bros. (U.S. version) someday.

i have 150+ games for my (top-loader) NES. had to build a shelf to hold them all. most expensive games are probably Final Fantasy 1, Bubble Bobble 2, Adventure Island 3 (is that still rare? it was for a while). But also have all 6 Mega Mans and just an excellent collection all around. tons of great games. i think one of my next purchases will be a working ROB with Gyromite. gotta keep an eye open for a good deal on one.

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I unintentionally have quite a few rare games. It helps when you were a a video game magazine fanatic back on the 90's and picked up good games that didn't really gain popular appeal. Or had interest in games with Anime in them before it really took off. Or you just happened to have a Saturn and actively bought games for it (Where a lot of my high value games are at.)

My Panzer Dragoon Saga, Shining Force 3, and Magic Knight Rayearth on the Saturn are all worth a mint.

Some of my Sega CD games like Keio Flying Squadron are really rare today. (A game I picked up on clearance for 15.00)

Some of my more prized possessions are not nessesarily rare.

Like my Sega CDX. My favorite console design of all time. Or having all the 16-bit Sonic titles. Or having the late release Genesis first person shooter Zero Tolerance with the mail in only Patch cord to link two Genesis together to play separate screen networked multiplayer.

Some prized passions are not even retro per se but are so amazing they are worth mentioning, I own a N64 and a Genesis flashcart (Mega Everdrive) that allow me to load every game on the system on an SD card and play every game including imports on real hardware instead of an emulator.

I guess also some peripherals are kind of fun to have. Like the Dreamcast fishing controller. The Justifier light gun for lethal enforcers and Snatcher. And the multile odd GC accesories like the microphone attachment (Mario Party), link cables, and broadband adapter.

I have a cool little VMU on the Dreamcast that allows you to attach it to a serial cable to a PC and upload and download files from the Internet onto it. Including save games and DL titles.

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