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The soundtrack has some great trivia associated with it, actually...

- Lion's performance of the theme song had to be re-written/re-recorded because Unicron's name in earlier drafts of the script was "Ingestor".

- The band "Kick Axe" recorded two songs for the soundtrack ("Hunger" and "Nothing's Gonna Stand In Our Way"). But because Hasbro deemed the band's name inappropriate for a kids' movie, they credited them as "Spectre General" on the soundtrack. Without asking the band's permission. Or even telling them. Problems resulted. :)

- N.R.G.'s song "Instruments of Destruction" was deemed inappropriate for inclusion in a kids' film as-is, so Hasbro had them re-record the song to tone down some of the more worrisome words. As such, the words 'foreplay', 'torture' and 'seduction' were replaced with 'fortune', 'torment', and 'eruption'. The death of Optimus Prime went on to scar millions of children for life, but at least they were spared the indignity of foreplay and seduction. ;)

- Stan Bush's song "The Touch" was featured in the film "Boogie Nights" as porn star Dirk Diggler's (failed) attempt to break into the recording industry. It was also originally written for Sylvester Stallone for use in his movie "Cobra," but never used.

- Unicron's Theme is a subtle reworking of Ivan Drago's theme from "Rocky IV." Since Vince DiCola scored them both, this wasn't a problem.

- On the other hand, the Commodore 64 version of Turrican used music from both "Escape" and "The Death of Optimus Prime" for its soundtrack. It was not scored by Vince DiCola. There were some problems. :)



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  On 2/6/2014 at 1:06 PM, RetroDefense said:

And here I thought I was the only person who liked to index magazines while wearing stone-washed jeans and loose-fitting high-tops.

That's right. Bringing it back, baby. ;)


I'll see your stone-washed jeans and loose-fitting high-tops and raise you a denim jacket and leg warmers, beeyotch! ;)



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Thread Necromancy!!

Donna Lewis was all over the radio world-wide in 1995 with "I Love You Always Forever" (the song which kept it from #1 for nine weeks was the Bayside Boys remix of "Macarena", which is both awful and hilarious). I fell in love with the song, bought the album, and it's been in my top 10 for decades. Even now, at forty, popping it in makes me feel like a teenager. I have very specific memories associated with this disc, but my absolute favorite song off it is "Agenais", a dreamy tune about the narrator's journey to a fantastical, magical place.

Every song on this CD is beautiful and inspires different feelings in me. I cannot count the number of memories I have that involve this CD: riding in the car in the night as I sat in the back seat listening to it on my Discman, using specific songs to inspire certain scenes in the stories I was writing at the time, crying in my room at my mom's house with the door closed as I realized I was about to disconnect myself from that life and move out on my own for good, playing it as the unofficial soundtrack to countless nights I spent MUDding (back when that meant playing a text-based online RPG, not slogging through a bunch of slop and climbing over obstacles just to prove how miserable you can make running)...

So this is my album of choice this evening, but since it would be crass to link the whole thing, I'm linking to my favorite song. Maybe you've heard it before, maybe you haven't, maybe you'll love it, maybe you won't, but that CD's been the world to me more times than I can count in my life. :)



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Don't hate me, but I've never heard of Donna Lewis, that song or the one that was apparently a big hit.  I was definitely in a rock-only world in 1995 (fave album of the year: Sunny Day Real Estate's LP2,) so pop songs from that time are mostly unknown to me.  Her sort of whispery vocals reminded me of Chara, one of the few Japanese pop artists I don't find completely derivative.  Sorry, the actual music video isn't available on Youtube:


And for a different side of Chara, and a half-awesome, half-creepy video, her one-album side band, Mean Machine.  C'mon!  They've got TWO drummers!  How badass is that?


I wanted to post another song of theirs I like, but it wasn't available anywhere, so I uploaded it myself:lol:.  Mean Machine's Lucky Star:


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