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RapidShare Just Went Down The Toliet!


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Due to Rapidshare implementing a bandwidth ceiling, we will again be forced to find a new method for providing our scans. I only noticed it today, but users are now receiving the following message when they try to download magazines.....


"File owner's public traffic exhausted."

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Sorry guys :sad:

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  On 11/29/2012 at 1:17 AM, KiwiArcader said:

I thought you guys were going primarily to newsgroup distribution anyway?

30GB a day is still plenty of leeching as I see it. No one uses Rapidshare for downloading movies/music nowadays anyway as uploaders have all fled to Netload/ Ryushare for the referral bucks anyway.

I had only wanted to use Newsgroups as a backbone to make sure that the magazines were always available. I still wanted to retain Rapidshare as an easier way for someone to grab just one or two issues each day. You would think that 30GB a day is plenty, but it really isn't. When I was hosting the collection on Retromags, with just 700 magazines.....we were topping 30GB by each afternoon and slowing down to around 45-65GB by nightfall.

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Just an update.....it is 10:59AM Eastern USA time and I just checked RapidShare and already 50% of our bandwidth is gone for the day. Keep in mind that I have currently implemented restrictions on Guests......to 5 Downloads a day per IP. We also only have 450+ of our releases on Rapidshare at the moment, so if I moved everything over and took away the restrictions.....well you get the picture.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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  On 12/18/2012 at 4:28 PM, Bablefish said:
Why not change everything to 4shared, you can even buy extra bandwith if you need it.

Well it seems as though all the bitching has gotten through to the people over at Rapidshare, now we get 50GB of traffic per day. Although it may still run out on us....ugh. Now we could move to another file sharing service, but there is never a guarantee that they won't change their Terms of Service....or be shut down by the FBI.

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